Chapter 10 - Save her

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Aria's POV

I dangled there for the next 10 more minutes or so in silence. Could have been longer, but there was no way to tell without any windows or clocks.

Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you, my Ex-fiancé is called Ray. There saves me from saying...well ya know over and over again. A lot easier.

Ray was just siting in a chair in the corner of the fairly large disgusting room while I dangled from the wall. It was completely silent, apart from our breathing. Not even any sounds from outside were bleeding in. That was until I heard a loud noise of a door creaking open then slamming shut, along woth footsteps.

Who or what was that?

I looked over to Ray, who had a rather large smile on his face and had gotten up from his seat.

"Looks like your chance card has arrived. Let's hope he can take back what he came for." He snarled, starting to chuckle.

Jaden's POV

I had just arrived outside the abandoned dorms. I pushed open the old creaky door and it slammed shut behind me. I still felt the rush of cold down my spine every time I went there. I managed to sneak out while everyone else was in bed. I started walking around the decrepit halls. Every corner was covered in spiderwebs and most of the windows were smashed or thick with filth.

As I walked my footsteps echoed around the building. I took out the note I had found on the front door of the dorms.

"Come to dorm room 13."

Of course it would be 13. Unlucky number and a creepy guy.

I wound my way down the halls until I came upon room 13.

This is it. Behind this door is the asshole who took Aria. Would she be in here too? Either way this guy is gonna regret what he's done.

Aria's POV

The door slammed open and in the darkened light I could just make out a figure.

"JADEN!?!" I exclaimed.

"Aria!" He called back.

"Ah. Here you are." Ray smirked. "And right on time too."

"Who the hell are you and what do you want with Aria?!?" Jaden demanded.

"Ask her yourself."

Jaden turned to me with a questioning look.

"He wants revenge. I'll explain later. But why are you here?"

"I came here to save you, you idiot."


"Yeah? You really think I would let this guy harm you? Ain't nobody gonna lay a finger on you when I'm around."


I was surprised to say the least. Nobody usually had to save me in any way any more. I could usually hold my own or was helping others. Or rather getting rid of stupid punks off the street. But it wasn't the fact that he came to save me that surprised me, it was something else. My fear started to calm down and was being replaced with something else. What that was I didn't have a clue, probably something I had lost years ago. Something I forgot deep within my emptiness.

"So shall we get on with the duel Mr.Yuki?" Ray scoffed.

"Let's" Jaden glared.

Suddenly, light filled the room from an unknown source and the door was locked behind Jaden.

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