
701 51 4

Posted: 04.04.16

Our baby isn't a teenager anymore😭😭 Happy Birthday Austin💕💕

I'm in the parking lot of target while I write this haha😂😂

four. Preston.

They hadn't spoken of the kiss since it happened, they haven't spoken in a little over a week. Austin shows up, does what he needs to do and leaves, Preston not bothering him because she's just as confused as he is. She steps out of the shower, wrapping a robe around her body. She searches her drawer for her favorite bra and underwear set, frowning when she can't find it.

She remembers that she had just washed them, so she scurries off to her laundry room, pulling them out of her dryer. She grins at the warm feeling from them, and she puts them on, walking out of the laundry room. She doesn't even bother tying her robe back up, being that it is Saturday and she doesn't expect any visitors.

"Oh shit, I'm so sorry" Austin curses, covering his eyes. He had caught a full glimpse of everything, her lace underwear and bra leaving little to imagine, but a lot to appreciate.

"How'd you get in here?" She asks, clutching her robe together in embarrassment. First time they'd spoken in a week and it was when she was half naked.

"You're not good at hiding the spare key" He shrugs, holding up her spare key "You're supposed to hide it in a pile of rocks, not just one rock" He chuckles, handing it to her.

"But then how will I know the one I taped it to?" She asks, and Austin laughs harder.

"I'm not sure" He shakes his head "I uh, came here for a reason, but I don't remember" He scratches the back of his neck, it was partially true, he didn't remember exactly why he came here, but he could figure it out.

"Well, it's a good thing you are because I actually need to talk to you" She says, and his heart beat quickens.


"I'm going away with my family for this thing for my dads company, it's some ceremony but anyways, it's for a week in Dubai, so keep this and you can just come and go as you please. Make yourself at home, do whatever you'd like" She smiles, handing him the key back.

"Alright" He nods "When are you leaving?"

"Tomorrow morning"

"Okay" He nods, and Preston starts her walk back to her room, but stops turning to face Austin.

"You know..." She trails off, Austin stopping at the top of her staircase "If you'd like. You could stay here for the week. I wouldn't mind at all" She shrugs, wanting him to have a nice place to stay.

"I'll think about it" He says, though he had full intentions of taking her up on that offer.


"I'm coming!" Preston yells to her father as he honks the horn for the hundredth time "Uhm, like I said make house,f at home, if you need me call me and remember feel free to stay if you'd like" She smiles at Austin and he nods.

"Thank you"

"No, thank you" She wraps her arms around his neck for a quick hug, kissing his cheek "I'll see you in a week"

"See you in a week" He waves as Preston walks out to her fathers car, climbing into the backseat.

"Unbelievable" Her father mutters, backing out of her driveway.

"What is?"

"The fact that you are letting that boy stay in your house while you are gone!" He waves his finger in the air "You don't know him! He'll probably steal all of your stuff"

"No he won't" She rolls her eyes "You're being ridiculous" She shakes her head as they pull up to the airport. They stay out of the car and walk into the airport bracing themselves for the flight ahead.

Landing in Dubai, Preston gasps as the amazing city. She hadn't been there before and it was even more beautiful than the pictures she sees online. They have a car pull up, and they pile inside driving to the hotel. Her parents get a separate room from her, that's actually a floor below hers. Preston's room being in the top floor. She immediately calls her house phone, knowing Austin is more than likely there, her assumptions proving true as he answers the phone.


"So, I see you too me up on my offer" She smirks and Austin chuckles.

"I wanted an excuse to drool on your pillow" He teases and she giggles.

"You're gross"

"Only for you" He laughs "Anyways, what's up?"

"Dubai is fucking amazing" She says "Oh my god" She smacks a hand over her mouth "I just swore"

"You sound excited"

"Austin, you don't even understand like I wish I could send you pictures" She says dreamily.

"Take a bunch and show me when you get back, it gives me a reason to put my head on your shoulder, while I look over it" He flirts and Preston blushes deeply, hiding her face on her shirt.

"I'll do that"


I don't know how long this is because my phone doesn't count words

I hope you liked it

I love you


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