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So, I'm talking to this guy right, and the other day we were texting until like 1:30 something in the morning, and just yesterday my mom goes "Who's this..." And rattles off his number. I didn't recognize his number because I've never actually seen it so I go "I don't know, why?" Then she tuts and goes "Hmm, why don't you look it up" so I typed the number into my phone and it was his so I'm like "Oh, it's *enter boys name*, why?" Then she goes "Does he not have a bed time? You guys were on the phone an awfully long time, hmm, it says 1:35 am" and I swear I nearly shit myself.

I just wanted to share that awkward story, enjoy this chapter.

eighteen. austin

I angrily hang up my phone, tossing it onto the couch across the room. I sigh heavily and take a hand through my hair, closing my eyes tightly when I see Bella peeking at me from around the corner "What are you doing Baby?" I ask, and she walks into the room cautiously.

"Are you mad, Daddy?" She asks, walking over to me and hugging my legs tightly "Don't be mad, I'll be sad"

"I'm not mad" I pick her up, her head laying on my shoulder. I kiss her cheek and she wraps her arms tightly around me "I'm alright" I sigh, walking over and sitting down on the couch, keeping Bella in my lap "How was school today, Princess?"

"It was okay, I got in trouble though" She frowns.


"Because Kayla and Morgan were being mean, so I told them to leave me alone and then Morgan fell and blamed me"

"You didn't push her?" I ask, and she shakes her head.

"No I didn't, but Ms. Watson believed her and made me talk to the principal" She huffs.

"I'll go to the school tomorrow and talk to them"

"No, don't" She shakes her head.

"But Bella-"

"Please Daddy" She whines.

"Alright, fine" I sigh, leaning my head back against the couch, Bella rests her head on my chest and I slowly rub her back, kissing the top of her head.

"What's for dinner?" She asks.

"Whatever you want"

"Can we order pizza?" She gasps.

"I'll order pizza if you go and get into the bath" I compromise and she climbs off my lap.

"Okay" She nods "Is mommy coming?" She asks, and I frown.

"I don't-"

"Can you call and ask her? Please" She begs, pouting her lips and batting her eyes.

"Fine, I'll call her" I sigh and she cheers, kissing my cheek before running to the bathroom to take a bath. I reach beneath me and grab my phone, unlocking it and going to my contacts. I click on Preston's contact and call her, waiting for her to pick up.

"Hi" She answers with a sigh.

"Bella wants you to come over for dinner and I didn't have the heart to tell her no" I say simply.

"Oh, okay" She says "Well, I can't anyways, so hopefully that'll give you the heart to say no" She hangs up the phone, I stand up from my couch and walk to my room, plugging my phone in and getting into the shower, making it quick in case Bella needed me. I change into a pair of sweatpants before walking out of my room and towards the other bathroom, checking in on Bella.

"Are you okay Baby?" I ask her and she nods "Preston can't come for dinner, she's busy" I say and she pouts.

"Oh, that's okay" She shrugs "It can be the two of us" She giggles, and I lean down to kiss the top of her head.

"Get ready to get out, and I'll go call for the pizza" I walk back to my room, ordering a pizza. Bella comes running into my room, screaming while I'm on the phone, making me look at her in worry "Hold on a moment" I say to the person at the pizza place "Princess, what's wrong?"

"There's a spider in my room" She cries and I rub her back.

"Give me one minute and I'll get it" I tell her and she nods, sitting on my lap. I finish ordering the pizza, giving them my card number so all I have to do is sign something when they get here. I hang up the phone and plug it back in, carrying Bella to her room so she can tell me where the spider is.

"Daddy! It's gone!" She screams in horror "I don't know where it is" She sobs, and I kneel down, wrapping my arms around her.

"Don't worry Baby, you can stay in my room tonight and I'll find it and make sure it never hurts you again" I caress her cheek, before kissing the other "Okay?"

"Okay" She nods, wiping her tears.

"Come on, let's go" I pick her back up, carrying her to my room. I lay her down on my bed and she buries herself under a pile of blankets, and I hand her a box of movies "You can pick on out, and we'll watch it while we eat" I kiss her forehead, before walking out of the room and to the kitchen. I grab two cans of soda, pouring one into a lidded up for Bella so she doesn't spill it in my bed.

The doorbell rings and I run to go answer it, signing the small paper for the pizza and carrying it towards the kitchen. I pick up the drinks and carry both things to my room, sitting the pizza box on the bed and the soda on my bedside table. I get into bed, and throw the blankets over my lap and open the pizza box, Bella rubbing her hands together in anticipation.

"Which one do you want?" I ask, and she points to a slice, I pull it out and grab one for myself, handing one to her.

"Can I tell you something Daddy?" Bella asks, looking up at me.

"You can tell me anything"

"I love you" She leans her head on my arm "You're the best daddy in the whole world and I don't need a mom" She whispers.

"I love you so much Baby Girl" I kiss her cheek, wrapping an arm around her small body "So, so much"


Aw, this is so cute

While writing this, I got called by a modeling school and idk what to do.

I love you all

I hope you enjoyed this


Love Me | ACM |Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora