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Posted: 5.07.16

I'm attempting to write a part in all of my stories today and if I have some time leftover then I'll definitely do some double updates but for now there won't be any.

So, the opener? Prologue? Description? Whatever label you want to use will be happening very soon because I think I'm going to make this story 10 or 15 chapters.

six. Preston 

"Good morning" Austin chirps as Preston opens the door for him. It's been about two months since everything began between them and everyday Austin becomes excited to see her, but at the same time there's a secret that's eating away at him. He's finished everything he was supposed to for Preston, and as of now she just likes to have him around.

"Good morning" Preston yawns "You're happy this morning" She smiles, and he shrugs, kissing her cheek as he walks past her, heading to her living room. He sits down on her couch, opening his arms for her and she complies, laying down on him.

"Well, I get to see your beautiful face so why wouldn't I be happy?" He sweet talks and Preston blushes.

"You're too nice to me" She shakes her head, turning her body to look up at him.

"All in good reason" He grins, and she closes the large gap between their lips, Austin tightening her grip around her. 

"So, I have another trip to go on with my dad, so if you want stay here again you can" Preston says, laying her head on his chest.

"To where?" Austin asks.

"Brazil" She answers "I know it's no Dubai but I'm pretty excited" 

"I'm just excited to sleep in your bed" Austin winks, and Preston laughs loudly.

"I have a pretty great bed" 

"Yes you do" Austin nods, kissing Preston's nose. 

"Are you hungry?" Preston asks, but Austin shakes his head.

"No, I had a bowl of cereal this morning" 

"Okay" Preston nods.

"Are you?" 

"No" Preston shakes her head, and Austin runs his fingers through her hair. 

"When is your trip?" He asks, kissing her lips softly. 

"I leave in two days" She answers, and Austin nods. 

"Can we go somewhere?" Austin asks, and Preston looks at him in confusion, but nods her head anyways. She stands up from the couch and Austin gets up behind her, sliding his hand into hers "I want to go to the beach" Austin tells her and she nods, the two of them walking out of her back door to the beach. 

Austin pull of his shirt and jeans when they get out to the beach, and Preston watches him as he walks up to her, holding out his hands. 

"Come on" He pulls her up "But you can't have these on" He pulls at her leggings and t-shirt. She rolls her eyes playfully and pulls them off, Austin smirking at her confidence. He leans down to kiss her lips, and she wraps her arms around his shoulders. 

"I really like you" He mumbles as he pulls away from Preston. 

"I really like you too" Preston grins, Austin picking her up and throwing her over her shoulder "Austin! Put me down!" She laughs.

"Give me a minute" 

"Austin! Don't you dare" She gasps as Austin walks into the water.

"But you told me to put you dow-"

"Austin!" She cuts him off "Don't you d-" She gets cut off by being engulfed in water and she quickly stands up, her jaw dropped "Austin!" She smacks his chest and he laughs, kissing her nose.

"I'm sorry" He laughs. 

"No you're not" She pouts, and he kisses her lips.

"You're right" He shrugs. 


"You need to leave now?" Austin asks, as Preston drags her suitcase down the steps. 

"Yes" She nods "Apparently, my dad is already in Brazil and I need to be there soon" She sighs, and Austin wraps his arms around Preston, kissing her forehead.

"Do you need a ride to the airport?" 

"I don't want to be a bother"

"Don't worry, come on" Austin smiles, holding out his hand for Preston. She takes it and they walk out to Preston's car and she unlocks the door, handing the keys to Austin. They climb in and Austin drives them to the airport, just in time for her flight to be called as they walk in. 

"I'll call you when I get there" Preston wraps her arms around Austin. 

"I'll be waiting" Austin grins, kissing her lips softly "Have fun" 

"I'll try" She nods "But it might be difficult without you" She winks, and Austin laughs loudly. 

"That was cute" 

"I'm cute" She giggles quietly.

"That you are" Austin nods, giving her one last kiss before she walks off to board her plane.



I hope you enjoyed this chapter

I love you all


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