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Writing this as I wait for the new episode of Are You The One?👏🏽👏🏽

seventeen. preston

"Austin" I hum quietly, his eyebrows furrowing "You have to get up" I sing song, and he groans in return. I giggle, and caress his face, pulling away quickly when he tries to nip at my hand. He laughs and opens his eyes, grinning lazily at me.

"I don't want to go to work" He moves closer to me, burying his face into my neck "I'd rather stay here with you"

"But I'm not going be here either" I pout and he looks up at me.

"Why not?" He whines.

"Because I'm taking Bells to school and then I have to go meet jackass" I roll my eyes, referring to my soon to be husband.

"Ugh fine" Austin groans, rolling out of bed to get dressed. He changes into his work uniform before walking over to my side of the bed "If I have to get out of bed, so do you" He picks me up, throwing me over his shoulder.

"Austin!" I squeal and he laughs "I'm not wearing pants"

"That's better for me" He hums, smacking my butt. I squeal and kick my legs, but stop abruptly when he grabs my ankles tightly "You almost kicked me so hard in the balls"

"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry" I gush.

"It's alright, it's just I'm gonna need those eventually" He says as he carries me towards the kitchen.

"Eventually?" I ask as he sits me down on the kitchen counter. He kisses my lips quickly before filling the coffee pot with water, giving me a shrug.


"Now is needing them in a sexual kind of way, or like family wise?" I ask, and he rummages through the cabinets.

"Vanilla or caramel?" He asks.

"Vanilla" I answer and he grabs a bag of coffee grounds, filling the coffee pot and turning it on.

"Well, if it was a sexual kind of way, I don't think I'd need them eventually now would I?" He stands between my legs and I giggle quietly, shaking my head.

"I guess not"

"So, you want more kids?"

"It's alright if I don't, but if I could I wouldn't mind" He shrugs "I'm content with the life I have, but if more kids come into the equation, I'm not going to ignore it" He kisses my cheek, turning to grab two mugs from the cabinet.

"I've never thought about kids" I bring my knees to my chest, leaning my head back against the wall behind me.

"Why not?" He asks, running out the mugs.

"My father has been cramming work into my head that I've never thought about having children. I feel like if I had them during any point within the next ten years my dad would kill me. He'd probably disown me and take away the company from me" I roll my eyes.

"When are you going to stop living his life, and live yours?" He chuckles, pouring the coffee into the two mugs. He adds cream and sugar and stirs them before handing me one.

"Thank you" I smile.

"You're welcome" He kisses my forehead.

"I don't think I have a choice but to live his life" I sigh "He controls everything, if he found out about all of this" I motion my hand around me "He'd have my head on a stick"

"Then don't worry about him" He cups my face with his free hand "Tell him you don't want it anymore"

"But I do want the company, but I just don't want him to tell me what to do. I know how to do it, but he's so controlling" I frown.

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