
685 48 23

Posted: 05.11.16

This is a vv important chapter.

I'm thinking about changing this story to first person, so that's why this chapter is in first person, let me know which you like more ☺️

seven. Austin

I stand at Preston's stove, making some breakfast to eat, whistling quietly to myself. Part of me feels bad for using all her stuff with no way of paying her back, but the other part of me knows that she could replace it with the snap of her fingers.

Now, I don't really want to think that way. I'd never use her purposely, she already means so much to me. Since the first moment I laid eyes on her, I knew she was something special and all I want is for her to want me.

For her to love me.

She's not due back for another couple of days, which gives me some more time to not sleep on my best friends couch, intruding on him and his wife. I finish the breakfast and put it on two plates, walking towards the steps but before I get there the front door opens, heels clicking against the porch.

"Hi" Preston grins and my eyes widen, as I swallow harshly "It smells nice in here" She says, pulling her suitcases through the door.

"Uh, y-yeah, I was just making some breakfast" I gulp again, scratching the back of my neck.

"Oh, nice" She says "Well, I'm just going to take these ups-"

"No!" I stop her and she looks at me in confusion "Let me, you can go eat, I had an extra plate I was going to save but you eat it" I grab her suitcases from her.

"Uhm okay..." She trails off walking towards the kitchen, but I catch her wrist.

"Hey" I say quietly, turning her to face me "Welcome back" I kiss her lips softly and she grins as I pull away.


I take her suitcases up the steps and into her room, frantically pacing around the room, being as quiet as possible. I didn't expect her to be back so early and now I'm in deep shit, like really deep shit. Shuffling is heard from the bed, and I hold my breath and at the same time footsteps are trailing up the steps.

"Daddy" A small voice mumbles.

"Daddy?" A voice says from behind me, and my heart sinks.


I squeeze my eyes tightly hoping this is all a dream, and that when I open my eyes none of this is real and I'll be just waking up, but that proves untrue as I reopen my eyes seeing I'm standing in the middle of Preston's room, my back towards her, my eyes facing Bella.

"Austin?" Preston chokes out and I turn around to face her "Who is that?" She points to her bed and I sigh, looking back at Bella. I walk out of the room, pulling Preston with me as I walk to the room across the hall, sitting Preston down on the bed "Can you please tell me get us going on?" She huffs as I pace around the room.

"I didn't want you to find out this way" I shake my head "Now, I didn't exactly have a plan on how I was supposed to tell you, but I know this never would've been it"

"Tell me what?"

"She's my daughter" I sigh, and Preston nods slowly, seeming speechless.

"So you and her... Are related?"

"Yes, she's half of me" I answer.

"And where's her mom? Why do you have her? Are you still with her mom? Oh my god, am I a home wrecker?" She rambles, her mouth slightly agape.

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