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I have a plot twist for this story, but I'm not sure when to introduce it...

But, this story will start off quick because I don't want it to be long...

three. Preston

Preston wakes up the next day with a pounding headache, and a body flowing with embarrassment. She can recap every moment from last night, and she doesn't even want to have to face Austin today. Her phone rings on the bedside table, and she winces at the obnoxious sound, but picks it up anyways.


"Hey" She hears, and immediately recognize the voice as Austin's.

"Hi, what's up?" She sits up in the bed.

"I uh, can't come help out today. I'm really sorry but something came up and I have to be... home" He says, hesitating before saying home.

"Oh, that's fine" She nods, feeling even more embarrassed that he's going to avoid her now.

"I'm really sorry about this, I would come in if I could" He says, not wanting her to know the exact reason he can't make it today.

"It's quite alright, I promise" She smiles "Take as long as you need" She says, and mentally smacks herself for making it seem like they're taking a break from a relationship or something.

"Uhm, alright" Austin says awkwardly "I'll talk to you later"

"Goodbye" She hangs up the phone.

"Oh my godness, Preston. Can you be anymore awkward?" She smacks a hand against her forehead, getting out of bed. She sees a glass of water and two ibuprofen on the bedside table, and she smiles to herself, taking the pills and drinking the water she gets into the shower, making it quick before getting out and doing her make-up. She changes into a pair of high-waisted slacks and a spaghetti strap shirt that ends just at the waistband of her pants. She slides on a pair of heels and grabs her purse walking out to her car.

She drives to her parents house, walking into the door, her mom smiling widely "Preston" She walks up to her, kissing each of her cheeks "What are you doing here?"

"Just wanted to come and visit" She shrugs, placing her purse on the counter.

"Oh, well that was nice of you" She nods with a smile "So, your father told me you're letting a homeless man stay at your house, now I've told you about those strange me-"

"Mother, he is not homeless, nor is he living in my house. He's just struggling and dad tried to make him pay thousands of dollars to fix his car that was barely messed up and I wasn't going to let that happen. He didn't say he was homeless, he said he barely had a place to live"

"Now, don't go defending that poor boy. You'll only grow attached, and I will not let you date a poor boy"

"That 'poor boy' has a name" Preston says in disgust, appalled by her mothers behavior.

"Well, I don't care to know it. Especially if he isn't going to pay to repair your fathers car. He'll have to buy a whole new one now"

"There was barely a scratch on his car" Preston gasps.

"No, there's so much more than that" Her mother shakes her head.

"Have you seen the car mother" Preston asks in a bored tone.

"No, but your father told me"

"Oh my god" Preston groans, picking up her purse "I can't even with you two" She shakes her head, walking out of her mom's house. She drives to Home Depot, the same one they were at yesterday, filling her cart with flowers for her garden. She pays for all the flowers and drives them home, surprised to see Austin at her front porch, his truck in her driveway.

"Oh, hi" She says in surprise, and he smiles awkwardly "I see you got your truck back, but I thought you couldn't come today"

"Uhm, I got someone to help me" He shrugs, keeping his answer as vague as possible.

"Oh, alright" She nods "Well, I was just about to plant these flowers if you'd like to help me" She smiles, and he nods, helping her grab some of the plants from her car. He carries them out back, going to get more, while Preston maps out where she wants all of the flowers to be. Austin brings her the last of the flowers and she thanks him, places them in the empty places.

"Does that look good?"

"Not with those ugly black pots" He teases, and she elbows him in the stomach.

"They're going to be planted silly"

"Oh, then it looks great" He winks, and she blushes handing him a shovel.

"You start down there, and I'll start here and we'll meet in the middle" She says and Austin nods, the two going to separate ends of the garden. As Preston digs, her mind goes crazy at what is under his shirt. When she elbowed him, it wasn't soft like a normal stomach. It was way too hard, and she has to know how toned he is. Her thoughts are answered when she looks over at him seeing him wipe his face with the hem of his shirt, giving Preston a perfect view of his amazingly toned abs.

Preston feels the need to wipe her chin while staring, feeling like the though the sight is making her drool. Austin catches her staring and chuckles to himself, shaking his head.

"You move so slow" He laughs, and Preston rolls her eyes.

"I'm taking my time, delicacy is key"

"Really? Because it seems like your key is staring" He chuckles, and Preston's face turns red as she clears her throat.

"I have no idea what you're talking about"  She shakes her head, and Austin walks over to her, kneeling beside her.

"You sure?" He asks, his body extremely close to Preston's "Because I swear I saw you staring"

"Well, looks can be deceiving" Preston shrugs, and Austin laughs.

"I don't think that phrase works in this context" He shakes his head.

Or does it?

"But then again, I don't know what goes on in your head" He mumbles "Unless you're drunk of course" He adds with a chuckle. Preston turns her head, and immediately regrets doing so, considering their proximity. Austin can see the contemplation on her face, and he knows exactly what for.

"Get out of your own head" He whispers, and for once Preston acted upon impulse, and closes the gap between their lips.



I hope you liked this

They kissed wtf?!?!?!?

I love you


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