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Posted: 05.28.16

I've had a terrible weekend, I had someone insult my story, I broke my favorite shoe, I hit my head and now there's a bruise, I had a shitty Caesar wrap today, my dog knocked my food off the table and ate it, I broke my tv remote, and to top it off I had an anxiety attack... I love my long weekend already👏🏽

This is really short but @yunqshawty asked me to update this and I wanted to make her happy so here you go Darling😘✌🏽️

eleven. preston

"What do you want to eat Princess?" Austin asks Bella, leaning down to her height.

"I want..." She trails off, tapping her chin in thought as she looks over her kids menu "Pizza!"

"Ooh, yummy" Austin grins "Are you going to give me a bite?"

"Maybe, if you eat your food first" She points a stern finger at him and I giggle, taking a drink from my water. Our waiter comes back, and we order our food, the waiter writing it down and walking away.

"Daddy, can we make cupcakes later?" Bella asks, moving to sit on Austin's lap.

"Anything for you Princess" He kisses her nose and she giggles, clapping and turning her attention to her kids menu, coloring the pictures.

"She's so cute" I gush and Austin grins, running his fingers through her hair.

"Yeah, she's the cutest" He chuckles, kissing her cheek.

"Daddy! Your face!" She huffs "It's prickly"

"I know, I need to shave" He sighs and she nods.

"Really bad" She nods "Do you like beards?" She asks me "My daddy's feels like a cactus and its gross"

"I do not like beards, they hurt" I exaggerate and she giggles.

"I knew I'd like you" She grins, and in that moment I've never been more relieved to have the approval of a five year old female "She's great Daddy" She giggles, looking up at Austin.

"I know" He winks at me, making my face redden.


Shortly after arriving back to Austin's house we decided to bake cupcakes like Bella asked. Bella was oblivious to the sneaky kisses Austin would give me while she wasn't pay attention.

"Coming for another" Austin mumbles and he presses his lips to mine.

"Ew! Daddy!" Bella cringes and Austin laughs as I blush.

"It was bound to happen"

"You're lucky I like her Mister" Bella points a stern finger at Austin "But I'll leave you two alone" She attempts to wink and Austin laughs harder watching her walk off into the other room.

"She's so cute" I gush and Austin nods in agreement.

"That's my Baby" He chuckles.

"You're a great dad" I tell him, sitting on his counter.

"I try to be. She doesn't have anyone else so if I'm not a good father for her, who will be?" He shrugs, standing between my legs.

"What happened between you and her mom? Like, why do you have her?" I ask without thinking about it and his face falls "Crap, I shouldn't have asked that" I smack a hand against my forehead.

"Don't worry, it's a valid question" He shrugs "Well, I can do a whole back story, or I can just say 'I don't know' it's your choice"

"I want the back story" I wrap my legs around his torso, and his slides his hands up my thighs, resting them on my hips.

"Well, we met when I was in the 11th grade and like we weren't actually a thing. We were friends with benefits basically and you really don't think much of that kind of stuff in high school. In high school it's just sex and there seems to be no consequences. Well, I was clearly wrong. One day she just disappeared and I didn't know where she went" He takes a deep breath, and I place my hand on his cheek and he smiles up at me.

"I had never heard from her, but being an 18 year old high school boy I didn't care. I couldn't care less if I heard from her again and if I'm being honest I had a new girl within weeks" He frowns, running a hand through his hair "4 months later my mom got really sick, and I used every last penny I had and she had to save her, but it didn't work because not even a month later I lost her and I was left all alone" He breathes out a shaky sigh, and I kiss his cheek, his nose nudging against mine.

"So, a few months later I'm sitting on the floor of my moms house, in an empty room because I had sold everything in an attempt to keep living in the same house. But anyways there was a loud knock at my door and I opened it seeing two guys holding a baby carrier. They tell me that they knew her mom and that she was mine and handed me Bella and a letter. They walked away before I could say anything so I just kind of closed the door and carried her to the living room. I read the letter and it was her telling me she couldn't take care of her and who she was and everything and to trust her that Bella was mine, and at first I thought she wasn't. I don't think she isn't now, and honestly at this point if she wasn't, I wouldn't even care because she's still the greatest thing that's ever happened to me and I wouldn't trade her in for anything because she made me realize what it truly means to love someone-" I cut him off, by cupping his face and pressing my lips to his. He responds quickly, pulling me closer to him.

"You're so amazing and the strongest person I've ever met. You're such a great father to Bella and she's so lucky to have someone like you and no matter how tough your life may get, I'll always be here for you" I mumble against his lips and he grins, leaning his forehead against mine.

"Aren't I supposed to be saying this to you?" He chuckles.

"It works both ways" I grin, wrapping my arms around his shoulders.

"I'm really glad you're back" He pecks my lips softly "I really missed you"

"I missed you too"



I hope you liked this

I feel like it was shitty... Was it shitty?

I love you all


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