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Tiana is baby😍😍

This chapter is really short, and shitty but it's a filler.

twelve. preston

"Daddy! Wake up!" Bella screams, jumping on Austin's stomach "It's morning time"

"I know, but Princess I'm still sleepy" He whines and I giggle "Help me" He pouts to me and I laugh loudly.

"Hey, do you want to go make breakfast?" I ask Bella and she nods happily "I'll meet you down there" I smile and she hops out of the bed and runs down the steps. Austin sighs and wraps an arm around my waist, pulling my body into his.

"I don't want to get out of bed today" He mumbles, kissing my cheek.

"I don't either, but I have to make breakfast" I giggle and he pouts.

"But I want you to stay in bed with me"

"I can't. Bella is going to start getting curious and she'll come up here"

"Hmm, and someone is naked" He hums, running his hand along my side.

"So are you mister" I chuckle.

"Oh you're right" He smirks "We might as well make it worth it right?" He leans in to kiss me, but I stop him by putting a hand over his mouth.

"Do you hear Bella?" I cup my hand around my ear.


"I'm pretty sure she's calling me" I nod, getting out of bed and throwing on Austin's t-shirt and a pair of his boxers. I run out of the room before Austin can protest me leaving. I reach the kitchen seeing Bella sitting at the island, her head resting on her hand in boredom.

"There you are! You took forever"

"I'm sorry, your dad wouldn't let me leave"

"That boy" She shakes her head and I giggle.

"So, what do you want for breakfast?"


"You have to leave?" Bella pouts as I grab my car keys.

"Yeah, I have to go. But I'll be back" I crouch down to her level.

"But Daddy and I were going to watch movies and you're supposed to watch movies with us" She wraps her arms around my shoulders.

"But I have to-"

"No" She cuts me off.



"I need to-"

"No" She pinches my lips shut "You're staying and you better do as I say" She points a stern finger at me.

"Okay, fine. I'll stay" I sigh and she squeals in happiness, running off to get Austin. I stand up and sit my stuff down, Austin walking into the room.

"So, she can convince you to stay but I can't" Austin walks into the room, pouting.

"She's cuter than you" I tease, and he rolls his eyes playfully.

"Well I mean, I made her so of course she is"

"I want to pick the movie" Bella raises her hand.

"Go get one" Austin motions to the living room and she nods, running off to go pick out a movie "Now that you're here, you can make out with me more" He places his hands on my hips.

"You're like a horny teenager" I smack his chest lightly.

"That's not that big of a deal" He shrugs.

"Yes it is, I can't deal with it" I dramatically place a hand on my forehead.

"Well, it's your fault" He points out, and I scoff dramatically.

"My fault?"

"Yes, hot girls make me horny and you're a hot girl" His moves his hand from my hips around to my butt, squeezing it in his hands.

"Stop!" I squeak and he laughs, kissing my cheek.

"Come on Baby" He kisses my lips softly.

"You're a weirdo" I roll my eyes.

"All I want is a kiss, why can't I have it?" He pouts.

"Fine" I sigh, presses my lips against his. I pull away a lot quicker than I know he wanted making his pout become more prominent.

"Babe" He drawls out in a whine. I giggle and kiss him again, my hands moving to cup his face in my hands.

"Ew! You guys are gross" Bella cringes and I laugh, pulling away from Austin.

"Baby Girl" Austin sing songs chasing Bella into the living room.

"No! Daddy!" She giggles and I follow after them laughing quietly to myself "Daddy, I'm sorry. You guys aren't gross!" She laughs as Austin tickles her.

"Good" He stops tickling her, kissing her forehead "I love you Princess"



I love you


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