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I just added a new story called The Lifeguard, and it won't be started until May but you should check it out anyways

two. Preston. 

    "Good morning" Preston smiles, opening the door for Austin. 

"Good morning" 

"I uh, just made some coffee, would you like some?" She points her thumb in the direction of the kitchen. 

"Um, sure" He nods, and she smiles, shutting the door behind him and leading him to the kitchen. Preston pours him a cup of coffee, and slides him the mug, walking to her fridge.

"Do you take creamer or milk?" She asks, but he shakes his head "Just black?" She asks in surprise, and he nods. 

"Something wrong?" He chuckles.

"Would you believe me if I said I'd never met someone who preferred his coffee black?" She asks, leaning her elbows on the table, taking a drink from her mug. 

"No" He shakes his head.

"Good because I have" She giggles, and he grins, shaking his head. 

"Anyways" She wipes her hands on the front of her skirt "I have nothing, I have no gardening tools, or paint or anything like that. I meant to go out this morning but I didn't because I slept later than usual, so I-" Austin cuts off her rambling with a light chuckle, and Preston blushes, covering her face "I'm sorry, I ramble sometimes" She bites her lip, the action catching Austin's attention. 

"It's alright, I think we all do at some point" He chuckles, shrugging his shoulders. 

"Um, would you like to come with me?" She asks shyly "A second opinion is always nice" 

"Okay" He nods.

"Okay well, let's go" She motions for him to follow her, grabbing her wallet and keys, walking out to the garage. They climb into her garage and she speeds off, driving to the nearest Home Depot. She parks and they walk up to the door, the heels of her boots scuffing against the floor. 

"We can go look at the paint first" She suggests, walking off to the paint aisle "So light, dark or neutral?" She asks Austin, holding up paint cards. 

"I like the light blue" He points to one of the cards.

"Me too" She nods "What about the burgundy?" She picks up a different card and Austin nods.

"I like that one too" 

"And one more" She looks around, Austin walking up behind her. He reaches around her to grab a plum color, much like the color of her lipstick the day they met, the lips that have captivating his attention multiple times since their meeting.

"How about this one?" He asks quietly, his body still close to Preston's. Preston turns her head the slightest, and her eyes catching Austin's.

"I like that one" She nods, gulping. She turns away and clears her throat, taking the card from Austin's hand "Thank you" She nods, she walks to the counter and gives the bored looking man the cards.

"It'll take twenty minutes" He says, and Preston nods. Her and I walk to the gardening section, people looking at her and Austin oddly as they walk, the two of them looking the complete opposite. Preston picks up a bunch of tools and seeds, walking back to where the paint is, grabbing paint brushes on the way there, sitting the things on the counter.

"You're in luck, it didn't actually take twenty minutes" The guy says in bored enthusiasm "Would you like me to ring these up too?" 

"Yes" Preston nods, and she hands the guy her card, and he swipes it handing it back. Austin grabs the buckets of paint, while Preston grabs the bags, carrying them back to her car, and driving back to her house. 

"I'm going to be out in the garden, if you need me, you can come get me, or yell out the window" She smiles, and Austin nods the two going their separate ways. Preston begins planting vegetable seeds, making a mental note to actually get plants so she can align her house with flowers. 

She plants seeds like, tomatoes, zucchini, onions, cucumber, and many others, but she had lost track after cucumber. She looks up once she hears the glass door slide open. 

"I'm done painting" Austin says, scratching the back of his neck "I still need to do a second coat later, but for now I'm done" He clarifies.

"Oh, good" She smiles "Are you hungry? I can make food" 

"Oh, I couldn't ask you to-" 

"I insist" She smiles, standing up from the garden. Preston walks inside, Austin following, sitting down on her kitchen island "What would you like? I can make fettuccine alfredo, or chicken pesto, or just chicken" She lists off "Or we can order pizza, because I've realized I'm lazy" She giggles, picking up her phone and dialing a pizza place. 

When the pizza comes they sit on the island, eating it, making jokes and laughing like they're crazy. Preston likes Austin, not necessarily in a romantic way, though she finds him extremely attractive, but he'd be someone that under different circumstances, she'd hang out with as much as possible. Half way through the first pizza, Preston popped open a bottle of wine, her and Austin sharing the bottle between two glasses. 

"I normally don't drink with people I just met" Preston drunkingly giggles.

"Is that another lie?" Austin asks in a whisper, leaning half way over the island. 

"Maybe" She shrugs "Maybe not" She winks, and he laughs, sitting back in his seat "But, I think you're nice" She slurs, wine always making her tipsy a little quicker than others. 

"You're not too bad yourself" 

"Not to mention you're gorge to the yes!" She giggles.

"I don't think that's how you say it" Austin shakes his head, laughing to himself. 

"Gorgeyes, gorgeyes" She repeats slowly "It has to be, gorgeyes" 

"Maybe it is" He shrugs "Maybe it isn't" He winks, and Preston fans herself, sighing heavily.

"Someone help me, I'm swooning" 

"I think someone needs to go to bed" Austin chuckles "Come along" He walks over to her, holding out his hands. Preston places her hands in his, standing up from the chair. Austin wraps one of Preston's arm around his shoulder, but Preston makes no moves to walk. 

"I think someone should carry me" She jumps into Austin arms, Austin catching her before she falls. He sighs, and carries her up to her room, laying her down in her bed. He takes off her socks and shoes, laying them beside her bed before walking back down to the kitchen.

He calls himself a cab, before rummaging through her cabinets to find some painkillers. He fills up a cup of water and carries that and the painkillers back up the steps, sitting them beside the bed. Preston is fast asleep by the time he comes back up the steps, and he quietly walks back out just in time for his cab to get there.



I hope you enjoyed this chapter

I love you all


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