Chapter 2

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"Call me when you get there," I hugged my mom tightly. It's been less than a week and they're off to another trip. I let her go and smiled, moving to embrace my dad next.

"Take care of yourself, Princess. We're proud of you," he whispered, kissing my temple. I smiled when I heard his words, squeezing him even tighter and trying not to lose my balance while standing on my tip toes.

I kissed his cheek before letting go and watching them turn to walk into the airport. They turned to look at me for a final time and waved.

When they disappeared behind the glass doors of the airport, I got back in the car, closing the trunk on my way to the driver's seat.

I've got a long drive ahead.

An hour of continuous humming and singing, my throat felt parched and I pulled up into a convenient store to get myself something to drink.

Locking the car, I jogged into the store under the light drizzle that poured not too long ago and immediately went to the back of the store where the fridge doors fogged.

I went to the one that held mineral bottles and took a couple of the medium sized one, walking to the counter to pay for them and grabbing a pack of oreos after a second thought.

'Whistle' by Flo-Rida was on and I didn't waste a minute before humming lowly to it. I set the things on the counter and waited for the man to check them out.

My hums were cut short by a female news reporter that appeared in the TV.

"Breaking News; fifteen minutes earlier, a woman that was walking pass the town square informed us that she heard gunshots being fired. Policemen were forced to get involved and we found what seemed to be a war against two gangs."

I watched the screen emotionlessly, that was until I finally saw something that irked me; a guy with an eerily familiar mob of brown hair and a distinct scar, highlighted by the lamp post nearby, on the guy that he was aiming for.

The camera zoomed in on the two and I felt bile rose on the back of my throat and I forced it down before I vomit in public.

"Miss? Are you alright?" My attention snapped to the man behind the counter. I swallowed tightly, trying to mask my discomfort and went for a tight lipped smile. It wasn't the best that I could have done but it was the best that I'm able to manage at the moment.

I paid for the things and rushed to my car in a hurried pace. I didn't even realize I was closing the car door with too much force until it banged against the side of the car.

Even then, I couldn't shake off the tremble in my hands as I remembered Dom's world that night.

"Bryant and I joined a gang," He must mean Quentin's and even though I was concern with why would they ever join that douche's squad or gang or whatever they call it, I was more interested in the 'why'. Why would they join a gang? Bryant wouldn't have done anything to out my life on the line so why?

All I could gather from our conversation was that they did it to protect me but from what is yet a mystery to me. I let my head fall on the steering wheel with a huff of my breath but continued to let my mind wander for a while.

If only I could understand. The questions were slowly killing me inside and the need to know and understand the situation grew as the seconds tick by.

After a few minutes later, I finally forced myself to snap out of it and continue the drive. Another hour passed before I finally pulled up into the Jones residence.

They've finally managed to pull it together and stabilize their financial state again a few months after Adam's incident.

I was happy for them and the kids were holding up alright. Speaking of...

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