Chapter 18

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When I was all done getting freshened up, I threw my things onto my unkempt corner, noting how messy it was and promising myself to arrange all of my things later.

All the guys were still hanging around in the living room and I joined them, hearing Mr. Huang's faint humming of what could only possibly be a Chinese song coming from the kitchen. They all nodded at me, giving me smiles and small waves.

I smiled back at them, not knowing what to say since I didn't even know their names. So trying to break the awkward silence, I tried to gauge an introduction out of each of them.

"So since we're not trying to beat each other up anymore, care to share some names?" I rocked back and forth on the balls of my feet, trying to not show how tense I was feeling.

The Asian dude spoke up first, introducing himself and the others. "My name's Milo, that's Braxton, Lohan and Kraüchniegens."

I stared at him, completely dumbfounded by the last name he mentioned. Looking back and forth between him and the Kra-whatever-his-name-is dude. The guy was easily the leanest between all four of them but that didn't make him less intimidating. He had whitish blonde hair and a faint tan.

"Sorry, Kra-who?" I asked again, completely dumbfounded by the pronunciation of his name. They all laughed at my expression and Milo tried clarifying it for me. "He's German and his name is a pain in the ass to pronounce so we call him Crow."

Braxton, I think, shook his head in amusement, causing his dirty blonde bangs to swish from side to side. The sides of his head was trimmed short and it highlighted his angular facial features. He has aquatic piercing blue eyes.

Lohan was the buff one out of all four of the guys. Of course they all bore muscles but Lohan's got most of it. One would suspect he was on steroids. Unlike the other two, he's got jet black hair and amber eyes. His lashes were long and it definitely had an effect on how big his eyes looked. I could tell that he was the quiet one between the group of guys. There's always that dark and mysterious group in every guy get together. Even if it wasn't even planned.

"Are you guys friends?" I asked them in curiosity.

"Definitely. I've been friends with Braxton and Crow since we started training together. Lohan is Brax's brother." Milo explained enthusiastically. Jeez if only I had that amount of enthusiasm every morning on facing training.

"How long have you known Mr. Huang?" I was fully aware of the fact that I probably sounded like I was scraping out everything they've got from them but I was full of questions as to who they were and inquiring stuff was never a sin, was it?

"A bit longer than I'd like it to be. He's my Uncle." That got my jaw hanging open.

"What?" Okay hold up. Let's do some quick maths here. I know it's a pain in the ass but sometimes, you just need it.

If Milo was, and he probably is, 20 at the very most, Mr Huang could be his grandfather as long as we assume that both him and his son were very young when they had a kid. But an uncle? How old could Milo's dad be? 70?

"How is he your uncle. Theoretically, please." He laughed at my response and didn't give off any signs of being offended. He actually seemed genuinely amused, as if so many people have wondered and asked him about it by now that it had all became funny to him.

"My dad is his younger brother. They have this huge age gap. Uncle agreed to teach me some moves when I was a kid. It was supposed to be a harmless request from a nine year old but I got addicted so here I am." I shrugged, that's a good explanation, I guess. I couldn't imagine having that big of an age gap with Bryant. Would our relationship still be the same if we had that gap between us?

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