Chapter 19

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A blow was landed on my cheek and it didn't take longer than a minute before the pain kicked in and my face started throbbing. I tried to put it aside but apparently the phrase "pain demands to be felt" is undeniably trying to prove itself because no matter how hard I tried, the pain was there and it didn't feel like disappearing anytime soon.

I tried to dodge the next punch being landed to me but my movements were slowed down as if I was moving underwater. My opponent got me on my side and I immediately fell, sprawled on my side. A second later, a bare foot was flying right towards my face and I immediately tried to roll over but like that last time, my movements were incredibly slow and I barely had time to cover my head before my head snapped to the side and my body rolled along with the movement.

I grunted in pain and tried to stand up quickly. This is what I hate most. The suspense in the fight and right now, it was being stretched out. This wasn't a dream, this was a true nightmare. It was like my mind was trying to postpone the inevitable hit by letting the suspense thicken with time and letting my heart beat quicken until it eventually gives out.

The feeling of someone shaking my arm woke me up with a startled gasp. When I saw Mr. Huang's face, I gave out a relieved sigh, realizing that it was all a dream. Even though it wasn't as livid as my other dreams so far, it was still nerve wrecking to imagine. I closed my eyes and regulated my breathing, feeling my back drenched with sweat and my feet getting tangled up with the sheets I used to lay on.

"Come on, we've got work to do, Xiao Fu. Get up and get ready." I peeped through the slits that I call my eyes and grumbled at myself.

"What time is it, jeez!" I couldn't see even the tiniest rayof sunlight through the small openings of the drawn curtains and something told me I wouldn't like what I was going to hear next.

"It's 3 in the morning and we're heading out for your last lesson before you leave tomorrow." That hit me hard. Every part of that sentence was a shock. Starting from what time it was, what we're going to do and the reminder that my stay is coming to an end and I would have to face reality once again soon.

"Why are we heading out at 3 in the morning?!" I mumbled to myself, feeling myself drifting off to sleep slowly before being shaken awake by Mr. Huang.

"Come on, it's your last day, we need to get you to master this. It's crucial to learn it." I yawned, forcing myself up. This is ridiculous.

I kicked the covers and braced against the wall to stand up right. I rubbed my eyes and stretched ungracefully. Never said I was lady-like so all you judgmental people could shoo away.

I walked out the door with semi-closed eyes after Mr. Huang and tripped on several small rocks that were scattered around the ground. There was not much light to help with my situation and I didn't even bother taking my phone with me so all the light I was taking advantage of was the one coming from Mr. Huang's flashlight.

It wasn't a big or bright flashlight but I'd take whatever it offers.

I tried to keep up with Mr. Huang as much as I could but with my half asleep state, it was no the easiest thing to do. Finally, he stopped walking. We were facing a narrow river that has small rocks in it, staying still against the current that was gushing down the small bank.

"Sit with me, Xiao Fu." I obediently crossed my foot and plopped down on the bare ground under me. I adjusted my sitting position and yawned. Tints of faint pink and orange were starting to decorate the sky; the early specks of dusk.

Mr. Huang straightened his back and closed his eyes. I set my elbows on top of my knees and rested my head on my hand. A second later, I could feel myself drifting away until I felt something knocking my arm beneath my head and my head falling from my hand. The abrupt motion snapped me awake and I straightened my back again, yawning.

"I didn't take you all the way here just so you can sleep, Xiao Fu. Meditate with me." I simply nodded at his request. Meditate, sleep, what difference does it make. Both causes my spirit to rest anyways.

I pictured my body posture, straightening my back and letting my hands fall on top of my knees. I kept my eyes closed and tried to focus on regulating my breathing. However, not even a minute after, I could feel my thoughts drifting away to food, bed, my parents, nana, etc. It was an extra long train of thought and I didn't know how to stop it.

A second later, I felt my head drooping and my breathing slowing before another hit landed on my arm.

"Focus, Xiao Fu. Clear your thoughts and quit falling asleep. Focus on your breathing rhythm and don't let your mind wander." I snorted at his advice. I know what I'm supposed to do, I just don't know how you could possibly do it because I swear, if you asked me to do the most basic mathematics equation right now; such as 2 + 2, my answer would be 6.

That is how stupid I'm feeling right now.

I closed my eyes once more and this time I focused on my breathing; in and out, in and out. I made sure to pay attention to the sound of the river flowing. I tried to catch the sound of the water splashing against the rocks, strong against the current and completely immobile. I kept my focus on the sound of the waters to keep myself rooted from falling asleep. It made me feel calm inside, a tranquil serenity.

I ended up trying 7 times before I finally got it right. No hits stuck my arm and my head didn't droop anymore. By then, the sun was already rising in the horizon and it caused the sky to brighten up that much more. After another 30 minutes of continuous attempts in meditating right, Shi Fu finally thought that I was doing good enough. I sighed and stood up to stretch more. Twisting from side to side, I heard some satisfying cracks and felt my muscles tensing up before relaxing once more.

I sighed and let myself slouch, scratching my a spot on my head. I'm positive that I looked like a wild animal by now with my bedhead and sleep induced expression and my eye bags.

We walked back to the cabin, this time with the sun helping us instead of the flashlight. I could see things more clearly now with the sun shining on everything. I looked around my surroundings, trying to identify the kinds of trees there were in the area but I've always sucked at memorizing or even knowing the types of trees.

The sound of the birds chirping and the frogs nearby croaking was echoing through the forest and I caught a glimpse of a squirrel climbing up the tree and into a hole in the tree's bark. I saw a lot of nests on the trees' branches and a wild rabbit hopping once in a while. I tried enjoying the scenery and the atmosphere while avoiding tripping on any of the rocks and possibly injuring myself before the tournament even begun.

Minutes later, we finally reached the cottage and I excused myself to wash myself before we eat some breakfast.

I'll be leaving today, going back to face reality again. I could only hope that college would be more lenient than high school because it would suck to have the same immature response I've gotten from the past years, coming from the teenagers I went to school with.

If I had to go through the same thing for 4 more years, I feel like all my hair wouldn't stick to my scalp anymore.

This would also mean that the competitions are going to begin soon. I could only hope that the trainings I've gone through with Shi Fu will be effective for the fights and that I won't be as badly injured as the guy said I would.

I got this, I'm sure I can stay alive and not experience any serious damages.

By noon, I finished packing up and all I needed to do was thank Mr. Huang for being an excellent and very willing teacher and for welcoming me in his abode.

"I wish you the best of luck, kid. Remember the things I've taught you and remember to stay focus. Meditations can help with those, just please take care of yourself. Be careful." Mr. Huang gave me a tight hug before letting me go.

He gave me a tight smile when I looked back after mounting my bike and I gave him a soft smile, thanking him for the last time for everything he's helped me with. I finally adjusted the strap of my bag and pedaled away with a final wave.

Next stop: Nana's place.

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