Chapter 48

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We're a chapter away from the finish line guys - this is a super long chapter! (basically 2 chapters mashed into one) I'm so pumped! 

Also, credits to my girls for proofreading the mush in this chapter to make sure its swoon-worthy enough for you all. Honestly, The Nerd Can Fight and To Live Is To Fight wouldn't exist if it wasn't for them.

Cheers to my mains flooshadow fandomsalltheway pennxlane 

Two years later

"Say cheese!" Preston yelled at us, Maddison right beside him with her arms around his torso as she watched us with a smile. 

I gave the camera the brightest smile I could muster while both of my mom practically screamed, "Cheese!"

Preston had a goofy smile on his face as he looked at the result of the picture and I bounded up next to him and took a peek over his shoulder.

I was squeezed in between my mom and dad, towering over my mom's 4'9 figure with my 5 inch heels. My dad is still slightly taller than me even with these heels on.

My dad was wearing a navy button up and a tie while my mother was in a white long-sleeved dress that ended just above her knees. They both had wide smiles on their faces, looking proud and overjoyed.

My graduation gown was draped over my silver knee-length dress. My graduation cap was slightly tilted and I was keeping a hand on it to keep it from being blown away by the wind that blew a few strands of my hair onto my face. 

My other hand was hugging my mom sideways and I had the biggest grin .

"My turn!" Adam called out from behind me as he wrapped his hands around my waist and picked me up caveman style.

I let out a startled squeak as he set me down in front of the camera. Preston brought the camera to his eyes once again and started taking pictures once Adam had put me down.

I held onto my cap that always feels like it's going to fall off if I don't keep a hand on it while I turned around and looked up at my dear boyfriend.

Yes, I said looked up, because this boy is incredibly tall and yes, I also said boyfriend.

(A/N: Hakuna yo tatas :))

"Feeling old yet?" Adam asked me as he wrapped his arms around my waist again.

"You do realize that we're only a few months apart? Which means you're old if I'm old." This gained me a funny look.

"I am everlastingly young," Adam scoffed and I grinned at him.

"I'm proud of you, Case," Adam murmured as he rests his forehead against mine, his lips pulling up into a smile.

"Thank you," I whispered as I closed my eyes, a smile still playing on my lips. Life feels so great right at this moment and I thank God for the peace and quiet after the storm two years ago.

A squeal came from somewhere behind Adam and my eyes snapped open, meeting those dark green orbs that I've loved for what seems like forever.

We break apart when a flash of fiery red came barreling towards us. I already knew who it was the second I caught sight of bright red locks. The ends of her red hair has been curled up for the occasion and she looked stunning in her red halter neck dress.

"Raven, you look amazing!" I told her as I gripped her forearms and kept looking at her from the tip of her hair down to her toes which were encased in a glitter golden pumps

To Live Is To Fight (#2)Where stories live. Discover now