Chapter 33

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Just a small note.

Maddison is Bryant's ex who bullied Cassandra in high school (it's in Chapter 3 in The Nerd Can Fight)

The girl that saw Cassandra in one of her fights was Sonia (a different, bitchier bitch) - she's the one with the short shorts and the one with the hanging out boobs.

Anyways.. on with the story! Enjoy!


After taking a seat in the living room, I took a deep breath to calm my nerves. Adam was sitting right next to me and we had this awkward distance between us so that we weren't touching. I tried to relax into the couch and prepared to relive the memories he was about to send my way.

"Okay, tell me what you've been remembering," I told him softly, fidgeting with the loose thread on the hem of my shirt. Adam nodded, looking like he was thinking hard.

"The first thing that I remembered was screaming at you in a kitchen, forbidding you from doing something. I remember feeling angry, fearful but I also felt a strange adoration, as if I could hardly believe that someone like you existed. You were yelling back at me about how it was your life and that it was your choice. Then, Pio walked in and you left with him before we could continue yelling at each other." I felt some tears gathering in my eyes. I felt like I was about to break and I had the itch to reach out to him, to ask for some comfort and support so I can relive this without feeling like I was so alone in this world. But I know better than to do that.

Remember Kiara, Case. He's not yours anymore.

I squeezed my eyes shut at the sharp pang of pain at the sudden spurt feeling of loss. I cleared my throat and tried to smoothen my expression so that we can continue with this. I have to help him.

"That was the day I told you that I decided to join a street fighting competition to help you pay for your mom's hospital bills. You didn't agree with my decision and tried to stop me but-" a sudden burst of giggles stopped me mid-sentence at the memory, "- but of course I was too stubborn. I wasn't asking for your permission so I joined the competition nonetheless and slipped the money I got from the fights into your mother's hospital room which was where Dom got those pictures of me to brainwash you."

Adam didn't ask any questions. He nodded along and moved on to the next memory he had of us, seeming eager to get the explanations to all of them.

"I remembered laying down on an open field of grass and hills with you," was all he told me and I smiled at that memory. It sounded simple and beautiful.

"You brought me to that grass field when I woke up in the middle of the night from a nightmare I had from the night from the crash that killed Bryant. I told you my story, about how Bryant saved my life by giving up his and I was experiencing what you'd call a survivor's guilt but somehow you managed to take away that guilt for a split second when you told me that he died a hero, that he didn't die for nothing and all I could feel after you told me those things was love for my brother. You took me to that meadow right after and told me about your mom's condition and your family's problem with finance." I had to wipe away some tears from talking about Bryant but ended up smiling at remembering how sweet Adam's words were when he was comforting me.

Jesus, I'm so unstable; it must be that time of the month soon.

"There was that time that you accused me of trying to kill you for putting cakwe in your porridge, which I think became your favorite food?" Adam sounded amused as he quirked an eyebrow at me and I suddenly turned a deep shade of red at the mention of that time I overreacted to the cakwe in my porridge. I suddenly remembered he wasn't sure that everything he was remembering is a memory or a dream so maybe I can use that to my advantage.

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