Chapter 40

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This chapter's a bit longer than usual (as an apology for disappearing on you guys)

Thank you for being so patient with me, I love you guys ♥



I woke up the next day early in the morning and immediately washed up and used the spare toothbrush. I wasn't in a particular good mood considering what happened last night but I couldn't be bothered for the previous events to ruin my mood this early in the morning. 

I usually wouldn't have bothered waking up so early but I simply couldn't wait to leave as soon as I could.

"Good morning," I chirped to Jerry who was sipping on what I presumed was coffee from the smell of brewed coffee that was wafting throughout the kitchen. He was eyeing the newspaper he was holding when I came in and his eyes briefly left the newspaper to look at me. He settled his mug on the kitchen counter and smiled at me.

"Had a good rest?" He inquired mindlessly and I tried to suppress the strained smile and attempted on something that looked more genuine as I tried not to think about how I tossed and turned in the middle of the night.

The house was eerily quiet which was understandable because it was only 6 and it was a weekend. Jerry was probably the only morning person in the house.

I sat down on one of the stools and faced Jerry.

"How have you been lately?" I asked Jerry, concern lacing my words.

I've been so caught up in my own thoughts and problems that I haven't considered about how Jerry was holding up. I've never been a spouse but I'm sure that losing your wife can't be easy even if you've grieved for a decade.

Jerry gave me a small smile, folding up his newspaper and set it beside his mug of coffee. "You don't have to worry about me, Case," he reassured me but I frowned at his response.

"I don't have to but I still do. I'm sorry I haven't been very attentive." I apologized as sincerely as I could. I was sorry, for being ignorant to someone I've promised I would be there for.

"I'm okay. It's just been tough with the kids." Jerry sighed, not wanting to argue with me any further. Everyone I was associated with learns sooner rather than later that I was one tough cookie.

"You know I can always babysit for them on my free time while you fly off somewhere to take some time off." I offered Jerry. I honestly adored the kids and I never really thought about it but I couldn't imagine the weight that Jerry has to carry between being there for his children and working to fund for them.

I know that their financial problems are finally being resolved and that they're getting back on their feet again but Jerry, no matter how strong he might come off, was still just a man.

"I may take you up on that sometime." Jerry gave me a small smile which I return. I gave him a brief hug.

"Call me anytime you need me to babysit the kids and I'll clear up my schedule," I told him. Jerry smiled and thanked me.

"Well, I should get going and wake up one of your more favorable sons now. I don't want to be late for my classes," I murmured. I wasn't in a rush to leave anymore but I didn't want to be here when Adam wakes up.

This family deserves some peace and quiet and the tension between Adam and I will surely disrupt that much deserved peace.

Jerry nodded, offering a small smile and I took that as my cue to go wreak havoc in Preston's room.

I was about to exit the kitchen when Jerry called out my name.

"Adam-" Jerry opened his mouth to continue, looking hesitant. I tilted my head in question, waiting for him to continue what he was about to say. "He'll come to his senses soon, Case."

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