Chapter 17

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He was gone.

Levy's gone.

No, I didn't mean it metaphorically. He's literally gone.

The rope was cut and the spot where he sat on was already cold. He was long gone by the time I checked on him.

I should've checked for the things he brought with him. Ugh. This is why I won't ever make a good mafia or cop. I'm too bloody gullible.

I swear if I get to catch him again, he is beyond dead. I was done getting my trust torn into shreds every time I built it up again and again. I didn't think I could face another series of these things. It was too painful; to trust someone just to find out that they were little bitches.

I went back to the cottage after seeing that he was gone, shock was numbing me and everything felt surreal for a second. I didn't bother ushering the numbness away, I didn't want to face reality and I didn't want to think where he's probably gone and what he's doing.

All I worried right now was how I would be getting the schedules. I knew when my next fight is but Levy would've been the one to notify me for the future fights. That meant he would've had someone send him texts or call him to tell him when.

I need to get in contact with someone from the inside then. The thing that made me wonder most about the competition now is, why did Levy offer me this competition to join into when he's in the enemy's side. There must be something off about this competition too. It could be something planned, what happened with the guy with the injured leg and his brother. Or it could just be their luck.

But wouldn't it be funny that the guy who crashed into Adam and made him an amnesiac was the brother of the guy I injured and all Dom had to do was brainwash Adam to break me?

He saw the opening and took it, that's what matters the most. The rest are just question marks and possibilities. Whether they planned this or not, they certainly succeed in making me continue fighting in the competition.

After the last incident, they would've bet on me re-entering my ass on that stupid ass competition. I just hope that the competition isn't really controlled by Quentin's gang because that would definitely end in complete disaster.

I would certainly not make it out of that alive.

That thought led to another question on Levy. Was he always heartless? Did he not really care about my well-being; after everything? Did he almost choke on the words when he offered me this competition to join into? Did it kill him when he knew he was signing me up into a competition that could spill my blood? Did he ever truly care about me?

I didn't know if I wanted to know the answers to that. All I knew is that he was no longer a friend and I needed to start getting used to these betrayals made by my friends and possibly family because I doubt there would be an end to this until I hit my grave. I just know that I shouldn't push my family away and yet I also shouldn't let myself get too attached; however I could do both at the same time.

It would be hard but I needed to survive this mess until I get through it and that was what I promised myself. I told myself that I was going to get out of this mess and live my life as a normal and decent human being. Start a family, get a legal job, no more street fighting.

I was gonna get through this and I'm going to get through it without pieces of shit raining down on me.

The whole time that this train of thoughts chugged in my brain, I unconsciously took a seat on the seat behind the counter in the kitchen. Mr. Huang came down and saw my face but didn't ask any questions. He moved around the kitchen in silence, grabbed what he needed and left to give me space.

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