Chapter 21

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Wow that's 2 months passed already. Not cool J.


"Have fun, sweetie!" I waved over my shoulder at my mom, getting into the car.

I slid the keys in the ignition and turned on the engine before pulling out of the driveway. Switching on the radio, I searched for a good music channel to listen to while i hummed under my breath.

Was I nervous? Kind of. I mean, how different could it be to high school right?

If you can't read between the lines, I'm amusing myself, just FYI.

Ed Sheeran's "Perfect" surrounded my car and I stopped meddling with the radio, to sit back and enjoy the music while driving my way up to the Uni. I tried to refrain from thinking about anything. I tried to keep my mind off Adam, off street-fighting. I'm sorry but I honestly don't have a death wish. I still meed to win that stupid competition to ensure my loved ones' safety.

Well, half safety I guess; with everything going on lately, I don't think the competition is the key to everything. I still need to deal with psycho Dom and that asshole brother-murderer. I can still remember he ugly scowl on his face that made me itch to buy him some princess tiara to make him lose the scowl. In my defense, it was one ugly scowl.

After another 15 minutes of driving, I could finally see the rising building of where I'll be spending the next last 4 years of education in. It looked great, better than my high school at least. I haven't taken a walk around so this will be a first and I hope I'll like it.

I had to drive around the parking lot to find an empty space and when I finally found it, it was a pretty far walk to the building's entrance. The sun was beating against my bared neck, my covered back and the top layer of hair on my head. I didn't want to make a run for it and sweat worse so I tried speed walking instead which didn't work out so well either but unless I want to look like a prissy chink and make a fuss over a little sun, I should deal with it like a man. Ignorant outside, annoyed as hell on the inside.

When I finally went in, I tried to navigate my way through the halls. Using the map they emailed to me to find the room I'm supposed to be in. Aside from the map, they emailed me my schedule too so I simply need to put my scout girl game on and try to not get lost in this forsaken building with its branched out halls. I swear, it feels more like a maze than a university. It felt like whoever designed the place purposely made every turn identical to test the newbie's patience and map reading skills. It's really close to impossible.

Still, I stressed as little as I can and stuck to the plan in trying to not end up in a deserted hallway that turns out to be haunted and get killed by the zombies living along it. Did that make sense? No? Oh well, people did say I have an imagination bigger than what's considered healthy.

Five minutes into trying to make sense out of the drawings on the map, I finally found room 830. I was getting agitated by the second. Why can't this school make up something more creative? Why not use food names rather than numbers to label out the classrooms? Section 'Sweets' has rooms 'candies', 'lollipops' and 'chocolates'. Wouldn't that be much easier to remember? Okay, I may be really bitchy right now but Jesus people, the numbers are driving me to the edge of sanity.

I have a grudge against numbers right now u see. I've seen numbers 947, 805, 532, 490, etc. and I honestly do not see a pattern in the numberings of the rooms. How the hell am I supposed to remember where room 830 is located? Am I supposed to be depending on this overwhelming map?

When I entered the room, there were already a few people inside spread out throughout the room. There were enough sits for around 30 people, it wasn't a hall but it wasn't exactly a small class. I took the seat nearest to the aisle, in the very front of the class and took out my notebook and a pencil case to get ready for the class. Looking around, I set my bag to the space beside my feet. The walls were a pale cream, a projector hung from the ceiling, pointing towards the white board that was attached to the wall. A white screen was rolled up above the white board. The professor's table was clean with no traces of any papers lying around. A desktop, keyboard and a mouse was on the table along with what looked to be two remotes. 2 air conditioner was blasting cold air into the room from the upper side of the right wall, opposite from the door.

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