Chapter 26

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"You're losing your edge, Case." Dom sneered at me.

I tried to land a hit on him and this time, I landed an uppercut on him at the ribs after faking a straight punch to his face. He staggered backwards to put space between us before he hunched over and groaned.

This time, there was no guilt that followed. There wasn't any bitter feeling rising in the back of my throat like how it did when I kept on trying to land deathly blows on that man during the tournament the other night.

"I thought I made it clear that you were not to come anywhere near me or my family or my friends ever again."

"I can't help it, you're simply too alluring." He wheezed out through the pain as he tried straightening up gradually. I had an urge to make a disgusted look at that but I held back and let my hatred for the man consume me. It wasn't hard before I was seething. I tried to land a kick to his head but he dodged it, making my kick land on his bicep instead.

He hissed and gave me a deathly look. I returned it right back, I wasn't planning to back down.

"I heard that you killed Carla, Case. I didn't know you had it in you." Dom gave me a sly smirk and I could feel my insides boil with amplified anger and hatred.

"You! You little piece of shit! You did that! I knew you had something to do with it! You fucking piece of good for nothing little-"

"Now, now little Casey, there's no way to greet your old friend." Dom teased with a sickening smirk. I moved to slap it off his face but he snatched my hand and resisted the tug I gave at it to retrieve my hand.

"Fuck you!" I spat at him in disgust.

He twisted my arm and moved behind me to push me against a wall. I felt his breath on the back of my neck before I heard his voice whisper in my ear. I flinched at the proximity of his lips with my ear, trying to put as much space as I could between myself and the piece of filth.

"Aren't you proud of how Adam turned out? He's quite the man, isn't he?" He baited.

"More than you'll ever be," was the only snarky remark I could conjure up with the sharp pain on my arm.

A sound came from Dom and I couldn't help the smirk that was tugging at my lips; seems like I hit a sore spot there. The smirk vanished the second he twisted my arm further and that was when I threw my head back and felt another sharp pain on the back of my head from the crash with Dom's head.

"You bitch!" He cried out. The pain on my arm was dissipating quickly as the hold he had on me was gone. His hands was nursing his nose and deep red liquid was seeping through his fingers. I made a point to kick him in the nuts and gave him a sweet ass kick to the temple to hopefully give him a splitting headache and give me enough time to flee the scene without anymore troubles.

I quickly swung my foot to kick him where the sun doesn't shine but it wasn't quick enough and he caught it in a tight grip. I used the momentum to jump and kick him on the side of his head, bracing myself for impact against the ground once I felt the pain of my feet kicking Dom's head hard.

I felt myself free fall and tried to roll to lessen the force of the impact and to prevent myself from breaking my face, or break anything for that matter.

I dusted myself off, feeling my skin sting on my elbows where I scraped them during the fall. I looked at Dom, curled in on himself on the ground, nursing his probably throbbing head.

The scrape was a tiny price to pay for this satisfaction. I had the urge to spit on the poor excuse of a man but held myself. I'm above spitting on people even if this particular being was more animal than anything else.

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