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(2 years after graduation)

"Babe, are you sure you remembered to pack the sweets?" Adam asked me from the back of the car. He was in the middle of rummaging the car's trunk, his head peeking out to regard me with a quirked eyebrow.

I turned to face Adam, still trying to stuff my things into my handbag.

I strolled towards him and gave the bags littering the car's trunk a quick sweep. I spotted the red shopping bag and opened it to reveal the chocolates and lollipops I packed.

"Oh ye, of little faith," I tutted Adam with a smile playing on my lips.

"I never doubted you for a second," Adam declared jokingly, pulling me towards him by my wait and giving my temple a kiss.

I scoffed at his words but the smile stayed on my lips as I grabbed a couple of bags to help him.

There were at least 6 of them in there and they didn't look light.

Adam was about to argue when I turned to him and gave him a hard kiss to shut him up. It was undeniably the most effective way.

When we broke a part, I gave him the look.

"Adam, you're human. Humans have 2 hands. There are 6 bags and they weigh at least 5 kilos each. I know you want to spoil me all the time but letting me carry at least 2 bags won't kill me." I stated, using my flawless logic to shut down any of his arguments.

Adam chuckled at my stubbornness and gave me another quick peck before relenting. He grabbed the rest of the bags before shutting the trunk and locking up the car.

"You would've thought that after a few years, I'd get used to your stubbornness," Adam mused as we walked towards the three-storey house's entrance.

"You love me for it," I grinned cheekily and stuck my tongue out in emphasis.

Adam simply smiled and opened the door and held it for me as we walked in. The slightly muffled shrill screams of children and the smell of baby powder invaded our senses as soon as we walked through the door.

Toys were scattered on the floor and I traced Adam's steps to make sure I didn't step on any of them. The horde of tiny humans were running around in the backyard where a glass sliding door separated the green grass and tiled floors.

The glass doors was able to block out most of the piercing screams, saving our eardrums from destruction. I love these kids but no one can convince me that they do not sound like banshees at times.

The house was big but it wasn't anything extravagant. I made sure that it was as comfortable as possible without throwing money around carelessly.

There were multiple rooms in the house, each of the room consisting of 4 beds. I wanted to be efficient with the space that we have and still make the rooms spacious enough to not make the kids feel claustrophobic.

I followed Adam to where the kitchen was and we both set the bags down on the counter. I started opening the cabinets, pulling out the bowls and plates to pour the treats we brought for the children.

I was setting the bowls beside the bags when I saw Cole walking towards the kitchen with a beaming smile.

"Hey! I thought I saw you," Cole greeted, walking over to us with his arms open wide.

I returned the hug he gave me before he moved away and gave Adam a man hug.

Cole found me a year after I took over my parents' business. It was as if he got all his marbles back and he apologized for his mistakes.

To Live Is To Fight (#2)Where stories live. Discover now