Chapter 47

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Blood trickled down the side of my head and I inwardly cursed. My head was probably split open.

Well the odds certainly aren't looking good.

I could feel the metallic taste of blood as I licked my split lip. Narrowing my eyes at the man before me, I tried my best to keep myself upright properly.

He kept his steely grey eyes trained on me, his gaze never leaving mine as his chest rose and fell at a rapid pace. The man standing opposite of me has a huge build. 

One would've thought that his size would slow him down a little. One could not be more wrong.

Not a second later, a fist swung an inch away from my face as I immediately threw my head back.

This guy was ruthless, he didn't even spare me a second to catch my breath, he just kept coming and coming.

By his physique, I knew that he trained hard for this competition. If it wasn't for the cut on his lip and his slightly swollen cheek, I would've thought that it was impossible to land a hit on him.

He wasn't just quick, he was strong and has incredible aim. In all honesty, his hits made me feel like a meteor just landed straight on my face.

Now I was simply doing everything I can to avoid getting another hit and hope he'll get tired soon enough. Judging from how I felt everything was slightly spinning, another hit and I think I would pass out.

I was stalling, buying myself time to let the pain subside. We circled each other before he lunged once again.

It was almost impossible to predict his next move and every time I dodged him, it would always be a close call.

The frustration that I felt within me that I couldn't even land a single hit on him was overwhelming and I felt like tearing his dark hair off his head.

He charged at me once again, emitting a loud roar. I side stepped him once again but one of his hands caught my foot and before I knew it, my back hit the ring's floor with a loud thud.

Before the guy can slam his body on mine WWE style and possibly breaking every bone in my body, I rolled out of the way and onto my feet.

I balanced myself on the balls of my feet, shuffling non-stop to be ready to move out of the way once again if he decides to have another go at me.

I tried to keep my breathing even and stable.

'Come on, Case!' I urged myself as I tried remembering everything that I learned from Mr. Huang.

I took a deep breath, trying to calm myself so that I'll think clearly as I remembered the meditation sessions that Mr. Huang made me do.

I hesitated for a split second before closing my eyes, catching sight of my opponent crouching as he watched me.

The second that I heard what sounded like a troll barreling towards me from my left, my eyes snapped open and I spun my body aside, inches away from getting knocked down by my opponent. 

As Mr. Hulk 2.0 zoomed past me, I raised my leg and kicked him hard on the back, aiming for the back of his head.

I almost yelled out in joy as I felt the impact. I watched him fall face first, sprawled on the floor.

When I saw him roll over and was attempting to get up, I dashed over and sent another kick flying straight to his face. 

I put my whole body into it and the result was sickening as a loud crack was heard throughout the tent.

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