Chapter 5

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"Next time, I'm driving."

"There will be no next time," I growled out in annoyance. It wasn't my fault Jake was pushing my buttons. He did, after all pop out of nowhere. Not to mention he stupidly decided to bring Monic along.

"Come on, Case. You can't be mad at him, I bribed him to come with me and you can't blame me for being worried. The last time we saw each other was during Carla's funeral. Then there was that incident and you completely pulled away. Is it wrong that I just want to spend some quality time with my cousin?" Monic ranted and I sighed, resting my hands limply on the wheel.

"That's not the problem, Mo. This could barely pass as quality time when we are in a street-fighting competition, an illegal one, might I add." She and I both knew that this is far from being a norm quality time between cousins.

God knows how freaked out I was when I found them waiting at my living room and claimed that they were going to be my loyal companions for the night.

I could hear Monic sighing at my theoretical statements, getting tired of the pointless argument since we've arrived anyways and there was no backing out now unless I call them a cab and force them into the vehicle.

Monic's door was the first to open while Jake's was the last. I hurried after Monic, trying to cover her from strangers' eyes that turned to look. I would be lying if I didn't get any stares due to my reputation in the Underground Place but you can't expect me to let them memorize Monic's features and have them sneak into her room and stare at her while she sleeps.

I am not paranoid or a negative thinker, I am just being cautious and worried about my baby cousin. Come one, you're an illegal street fighter with gangs that are hunting you down. Look at me straight in the eye and tell me that you wouldn't do the same to anyone you love.

I thought so.

The place was crowded as usual and since I couldn't leave Monic and Jake until I knew they were in a safe corner, I guided them through the sweaty bodies of people who was cheering and hollering for the fighter that they bet their money on.

I got them set on a dark and almost deserted corner where they'll be hidden from sight and yet watch what's going on up in the ring.

Before I left, I made it sure that Jake gets how dangerous this place is and just how cautious he needs to be to guard Monic from any perverted old dudes.

I gave her hand a slight squeeze before setting off to hunt for Levy, my pay phone in one hand, dialing his number, while my eyes roamed around the mob of people. When I started to give up and decided to go to the backdoor on my own, he jumped me from my backside.

I jolted and instantly braced myself to inflict serious pain to my ambusher before figuring out it was just lil' old Lev.

"Sup, shorty?" I growled under my breath and kept on walking, letting him follow suit.

"Just because you're ridiculously tall, Lev, doesn't mean I'm short. I'm pretty tall for someone my age, you old man." I countered, earning a loud snort from him.

"A 5 year age gap does not make me an old man, shorty." He smiled crookedly.

We finally reached the back door where, as per usual, a bulky big guy was guarding the door with a stone face. We showed our passes and he opened the heavy looking door for us. We slipped in and went to the changing room, and so the warm up routine begins.

"So you're going to fight tonight?" Levy nodded at my question while stretching his legs.

"Right after you win," I smiled at his words; so positive. Comfortable silence engulfed us as we continued stretching until Lev decided that I needed one last reminder on my fight tonight.

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