1 | Niall

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Star Gazing

It's kind of a funny story, on how we first met. I knew my dad was seeing this new girlfriend. I just had no idea she had a son my age as well. He had the cutest little curls and the brightest green eyes. I had myself mesmerized because I've never knew anyone with green eyes as bright as his. He has this crooked smile and the biggest dimples, he was really beautiful from the day I met him.

One day it turned stone cold, and he just had this switch of a personality. He blocked me out and left me stranded in the dark. From a young age all the way up to my seventeenth birthday I've always wondered why he turned into this cruel monster that never seems to give me a break.

He was once referred as my best friend, even a brother if you'd like. One day he just freaked on me and until then to this day all we do is bicker and fight. I'm sick of it and I know our parents are too. Our parents married just over a year now and they've been together for a good 7 years before that. It's crazy how one person can change your mood, and it seems Harry has been doing that since the day I met him. I think the only thing that has no changed is the kind of emotion I feel when I see his face.

It used to be sunshine and rainbows, but honestly it's just hate and frustration now. I know hate is a strong word and I too even hate saying it, but I can honestly say I hate him. Why? Because he has been rude and stuck up since I can even remember. He always makes sure to get the last word and every room were in together, it seems it always ends in a fight. He gives me this upset feeling just by looking at him and I just get this big head ache when I walk away from him. He stresses me out with all this bickering and I can't wait to be away from him in the fall when I'm off to University. Every time I think about getting away from him, the feeling of stress and angry just releases off of my chest and I feel like I'm free. Free from this trap and upset feeling he has over me.

I've been up for some time now, and I know I should wake up and face him and this day I've been waiting for. Waiting to escape, but there is this one thing that I am dreading. My father and Anne(Harry's mum) had this brilliant and extravagant idea to have a family trip across Europe while my dad does his little bits of business he has to get done. The one thing I'm grateful for is them letting me ask Louis to tag along. I don't think I'd be able to withstand this whole trip without him. He's been the one that has been there since Harry struck out. He's the one that knows how much he has corrupted my world and tore me down. I don't think there has been anyone as supportive as Louis in my whole life.

I roll out of bed and stand trying to get myself fully awake, but it seems I'm too tired for any of this, as I fall back onto my bed and let myself sink back into the sheets.

I was almost drifting back to sleep, but I'm jolted awake by the door being pushed open. I look up to see the smirk plastered on his face, with his annoying crooked lips. His eyes speak the story of the devil, and his arms are crossed against his chest.

"Niall, we have to be at school in fucking an hour and a half. Your not dressed, and you haven't showered. Can you be any fucking helpless?" Harry scoffed out. I take it from him though, because he always seems to have an insult directed towards me.

"Whatever Harry." I stand from my bed, and pace towards my closet to grab my dress clothes Harry's mum, Anne picked out for me in this special day.

When I turn around Harry is gone and I couldn't be more happier to be left in peace. I try not to give him a reaction, but sometimes I can't help but curse at him back. He's repulsive and just arrogant to begin with. Sometimes I have threatened to move out with my mum, but my dad refuses. I know he can't keep my here, but really I've never had the guts to actually leave.

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