10 | Niall

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I straightened myself in the mirror before heading back out to the restaurant. When I exited the bathroom I'm a little taken back by my father stood there with a smug smile.
"Yes dad?" I gulp. I was growing nervous and quite a little embarrassed. He knows what happened and he's coming to tell me that it needs to stop.
"Anything you need to tell me? Harry said you weren't feeling well?" Okay what is Harry getting at.
"Sorry?" I was confusing and I had no idea what Harry is planning.
"You feeling okay, son?"
"Yeah, just a cough." I didn't know why Harry told them I wasn't feeling well.
"Well that's good.. Now let's go back shall we?" He holds his hand out for me to the direction of our table and I walk ahead of him while he trails behind me.
When we get to the table everyone doesn't really look at us when we both take a seat. Harry swiftly takes a glance at me but I don't give him my time of day even after our little rendezvous in the bathroom.
"What took you so long in the bathroom Ni?" I turn to Harry. He had a devilish smirk on his face. What a twat. Everyone's eyes seem to be on me while they anticipate me to answer his question.
I feel my cheeks flush while I embarrass myself. I'm stuck for a comeback, usually I'm never this bad in a situation like this.
"Cat got you tongue?" Harry says. I turn towards him and rolled my eyes.
"I think I'm feeling ill." Might as well carry out his lie.
"Awe baby," Harry pauses and strokes my cheek. "Want me to take care of you?"
He had a pouty lip and I could feel myself growing annoyed with him by the second. Even after our little interactions he's still be a little knob.
I swatted his hand away and his smile only grew wider.
"Fuck-off Harry." I grit my teeth.
"Boys, that's enough. We're at dinner," Anne says. We both apologize. I turn towards Harry as he's looking down at his menu with a smirk on his face, and when a sudden hand is on my thigh making me yelp in surprise. He always pulls this and it's getting old.
Everyone looks at me and I feel myself flush. My dad giving me a very uneasy and questioning look. I shrug my shoulder at him while I made eye contact, he's definitely getting suspicious.

Dinner goes by surprisingly quick. Harry didn't pull too much shit after that and I was quite thankful; but as soon as we get back to our room I'm just a little pissed off.
The door shut behind Harry and that's when I lost it on him.
"Harry are you fucking kidding me?" I shouted. He's a little taken back by my outburst. He walked by me without shuttering a word and sat down on his bed taking his shoes off.
I wait for him to talk to me but he keeps quiet before laying down on his bed and shutting his eyes.
"Harry I'm serious." I was getting so annoyed with him.
"What Niall?" He opened his eyes and let out a frustrated sigh.
"You can't keep doing that! I thought we were getting along!" I say sitting down on the end of his bed.
"We are Ni, just... I like to bug you still." His smile grew as he uttered each word.
"Why? You're just ruining this trip for me! I'm sick and tired of you always doing everything to spite me," I say. He lets out another exhausted sigh.
"Look, I'm sorry okay?" He sits up. I softened a little letting his words run through my head. Does he really mean it? Because he's been apologizing quite a lot lately.
"Stop being sorry." He seems confused by my words. "What I mean is stop giving yourself a reason to be sorry."
He seems to let my words run through his head, I look down at my hands that I'm currently playing with in my lap
"Why don't we make a deal?" I look up to meet his eyes. The eyes I yearned for more of everyday.
"What kind of deal?" I was curious as to where he was going with this.
"Let's just be fuck buddies." Okay so I didn't know he going there, I thought maybe he thought of me more than just a fuck buddy.
"I'm sorry?" I raise my eyebrow at him.
"Me and you, we won't take this too seriously.." He trails before he's right in front of me. I didn't even notice him getting so close to me; too mesmerized by his beautiful eyes. His lips almost touching mine sends chills throughout my whole body. I loved being so near him, he made me feel things I've never felt before.
His hand grasp around my back and brings me closer to his body. I was almost ready to submit to him but I wanted to be in control.
I grabbed his collar and bring his lips onto mine. This kiss is so messing and rough. I push him back onto his bed beginning to move my hips into his. While our growing crotches come on to us. Feeling his bulging pants on mine sent rhythms throughout my entire body. I wanted him now. No, I needed him now.
My lips move to his neck while I leave trails of kisses down his neck. My hands find the hem of his shirt and I bring it up and off his head throwing it to the ground. I sit up straight and watch him underneath me.
His toned body shaped to complete beauty and perfection. My lips come down to kiss his beautiful body, not letting a single surface of skin left untouched. I wanted him to feel everything.
"Fuck Ni," he mutters. I smirk against his skin. Hearing him say my name in such a sinful way helped bring a side out of me no one has never seen before; not even myself.
My hands feel the hem of his pants before I have them down his legs and to the floor with the rest of his article of clothing.
"So beautiful," I compliment him because his hard cock was showing through the fabric of his boxer briefs.
I began to feel him through the fabric as he hissed out from the contact.
"You like that?" Harry nodded but I wasn't taking his nodding. I need him to say it. "I need you to say how much you like it when I touch you Harry."
I bite my lip watching him submit from under me.
"Touch me Ni," he whimpers.
I bring my mouth the v-line of his body before sucking lightly on him. I look up to meet his eyes as he's watching me intently making sure every inch of his body is touched by me.
"I going to put my hand down your pants, okay baby?" He nods his head and I let him go this time without having him to tell me it's okay because I wanted to feel him again. Just like I did this morning.
I shoved my hands into his boxers reaching for his dick and giving him a few strokes. Harry throws his head back. I hover myself over him while I continue to stroke him slowly bringing my lips to meet his.
Our lips moved together while I continued to make him feel all sort of a new high.
"Fuck Ni," he whimpers into my mouth.
I break away from our kiss, taking a look into his eyes.
"Is it okay for me to fuck you?" I grab ahold of his chin in my hand. He nodded his head. I bent down to his ear inching my lips closer. "Tell me with your mouth of how much you want me to fuck you."
I look back up at him, as he gulped. He wasn't used to seeing me act so dominant and I loved that he submitted to me so easily.
"I want you to fuck me Ni." I couldn't take it any longer, I needed to feel him.
I stripped of my clothes and pushed Harry's boxers down his legs and discarding them to the ground. His member was throbbing. We hadn't got no lube, but I'd imagined Harry's got a condom somewhere.
"Baby do you got a condom?" He looks up at me and nods and points to his suit case. I stand up and look through the first zipper and there was a box of condoms fully loaded and untouched. I rip open the box and walk back over to Harry. He hasn't said much at all in the past half hour and it was kinda cute how quiet he's been.
"Do you want to help me?" I ask. He looks up at me and nods his head grabbing the condom and opening the wrapper before sliding the condom onto my dick.
"Thanks baby." I bent down to kiss his lips quickly before licking my fingers and inching them down to his hole.
I began to slowly prep him while he gripped the sheets for release.
His soft whimpers echoing throughout the hotel room, and it was really music to my ears; so innocent.
"Please Ni," Harry begged. I nodded my head because I want this just as much as he does.
"Anything for you baby." I sent him a wink, while he flushed under me.
My tip inched into his hole before slowly thrusting into him. Harry whimpering softly as I come down to add a kiss to his lips.
"Does that hurt baby?" I was a little concerned I may be hurting him. He shook his head no and I couldn't tell if he is telling the truth or he's being just plain stubborn.
"Okay, I'm gonna start thrusting now." Harry only nodded before I began to thrust in and out of him. My lips catching into his while staying a slow pace. This felt so fucking good.
Harry's hands gripping my back while I kept my steady pace with my lips still intact with his.
Harry moaned into my mouth and I couldn't help but let out a moany groan.
"Your doing so good baby." I began to thrust a little faster when he relaxed from under me. While Harry continued to let out moans from under me.
"Go faster," he whispers and listen to him while picking up my speed and thrusting faster into him.
Fuck he feels so fucking good.
"So tight baby." Harry blushed when I said that. I couldn't help but find it cute while I sped up just a little faster, as I could feel myself about ready to come.
I grabbed ahold of Harry's cock and began to pump him while he let out a pleasurable moan.
"You come whenever baby," I let him know. He didn't last too longer before he let himself go, his come covering his tummy.
Watching his facial features while he came, helped me to my high more and more so, as I thrusted faster into Harry.
My thrusts becoming sloppier and sloppier as I hit my peak and pouring myself into the condom and pulling out of Harry.
I stood up from the bed and walked over to the trash and discarded the condom.
When I turned around Harry was sprawled across his bed already having his eyes shut. I couldn't help but watch him while he slipped away in a peaceful slumber.
I still couldn't believe Harry submitted to me, he just gave me him all and let me take over this whole situation. I'd definitely have to let him be he more dominant next time, just to see how he is.
Maybe this fuck buddies thing will work, as long as I stop catching my feelings I'll be fine.
I'll be absolutely fine.

I woke feeling a pain in my lower region and as soon as I tried to figure out why it all came flooding back. I had sex with Niall, last night; in my bed and it was fucking amazing. He's so caring and gentle with me that I just couldn't wait to poke myself into next.
I may have or may not have totally let him take control because of our situation. Him being my step-brother didn't give me the courage to take full control of him and to think back on it; i'm a totally fool.
He just did so great last night and if he's like that every time we have sex then he can stick himself inside me all he wants. I wasn't stopping him; he's just so hot and pure sexy when he's so dominant. No matter how annoying he is in any other situation; Niall is a good fuck.
A yawn sounded, and then I noticed that my eyes are being opened and Niall's face is face to with me. His eyes open lightly like me while a smug smile is showing on his features. By the look on his face, I'm guessing he enjoyed last night as much as I did.
"Good morning," he says faintly.
"Good morning." Were kind of just laying there soaking up the realization of last night before Niall sits up checking the time. He mutters 'fuck' under his breath before getting up quickly.
"What?" Just before Niall has made it to the bathroom he stops and turns around.
"My dad wanted to go out for breakfast with me today and it's ten," he explains. I 'oh' before he carries on and enters the bathroom leaving me alone to my thoughts again.

Ten minutes pass by before Niall comes back out fully dressed with a simple black t-shirt and jeans ripped at the knees and white nike trainers on.
"I'll be back in about an hour," he says. I'm still in bed holding myself up by my elbow to watch him scatter along our room trying to find his phone.
He finds it in his pants pocket before leaving in hurry.
Niall was out the door so fast that I didn't even get a goodbye kiss. Do fuck buddies even do that? A kiss goodbye? I don't think so.
My belly grumbled and I found my self growing hungry as well. Might as well hit up Liam and Louis to see what those to are up to.
I got out of bed and pulled on some trainers and a black t-shirt and slipping on under armour socks and sandals.
I take a look in the mirror and to be completely honest I look like I just had sex. My hair was messy and there was a very very faint hicky in my neck for Christ sake.
I fixed my hair fast before exiting the room and down to Louis and Liam's room just down the hall knocking on the door.
I wait a couple minutes before Louis is standing shirtless in front of me with his hand quite all over the place.
"Harry!" Louis chirps. He's trying to hide something, by the way he's not letting me have a look into his room.
"What's up Lou?" I smirk.
"Nothing," he shrugs. I raise an eyebrow, and Liam peaks his head out and Louis opens the door more wider to show both their bodies.
"Harry!" Liam has that fake smile on his face trying to hide something too and I'd only imagine they were probably doing the nasty. They go at it like jack rabbits and I really couldn't say shut because Niall and I did a lot of dirty in the past 24 hours.
"Hey Liam, you guys want to go to breakfast?" They both look at each other before deciding before looking back at me and them both nodding without saying anything.
"Just let me put a shirt on yeah?" Louis runs off and comes back a minute later with a black t-shirt on.
While we walked down to the restaurant I couldn't help but feel like a third wheel, they both kept laughing and giggling to each other and I really wanted to punch one of them.
Honestly I wished Niall was here- I know right? I've never once did wished for Niall to be present in my life but here I am craving his reaction from everything I did.
I craved for him to be near and it's only been 10 minutes. I knew I came up with the idea of being only fuck buddies but I couldn't help but want more from him.

This book is getting so much votes and comments, I LOVE YOU ALL SO MUCH x


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