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I remember it all, the way I felt so jittery and nervous when I'd see him for the first time. It was such a magical day, that I never want to forget. Everything that happened, went too perfectly.


I'm complete jitteriness, and the feeling I can right now is a mixture of nerves and hype. I just can't wait to see him. It's been nearly four months, and we have just been keeping to ourselves. I know as soon as I see him, I'm going to keep him in my arms for as long as I possibly can.

College has been a real blast, and I've had this time to just think about myself and focus on what really matters. I've let myself heal, and I feel absolutely great.

It's weird how much my life has just planned out. When school started, I switched around my classes. I took the initiative to choose what I want to do with my life. It's only general classes, because I still have no clue what I want in life.

I've always kept to myself when I was younger and never imagined myself to come this far. I've never imagined about graduating high school and carrying onto college or university. I don't even know what I want to be when I'm older. Sure, I've had ideas and maybe my parents have talked about it from time to time and asked me what I want to be when I'm older, but I never really put it into thought. What scares me the most is picking something and It not being what I thought it would be like.

It actually frightens me, maybe I'll never be as successful as my parents, and maybe I'll turn out exactly the opposite. I just know that I'm doing me on this very scary path of life. I'm being the best I can be... well, I'm trying. It's hard and I've found that person, you know who can be my boulder. Who can hold me down and help me curve myself into being the best me I can be. He is amazing in every way possible, and he gets me like nobody else.

It's hard to find that person, and it's funny how we find them. It could be in the most bizarre situations and you never see it coming. It's like they show up in your life when you need them the most. I almost let him slip from my fingertips. I was so close to just letting him go, that I hadn't even looked at the bigger picture. He's the one; he's the one that is going to sculpt me into finding my path. Everybody has their person and please for the love of god don't give up, because if I gave up I don't think I'd be the person I am today. I'd still be dancing on my own.

I stand in front of my house, still kind of scared to face everyone. To face Anne, my dad, Gemma, and of course Harry. I'm absolutely frighten what they'll think of me, or what they'll say.

Gemma has mentioned to me over the phone that, Anne did inform my dad. I just wish I could of been that someone.

I let out the most exhausting sigh, and push myself to open the front door. When I do, everyone is in the living room surrounding the Christmas tree.

"Niall!" Louis exclaims. I'm weathered, just by the amount of people in my living room. I drop my bag, and allow Louis to hug my tightly.

He pulls away, with a smile that is so naturally curved. "I missed you."

"I missed you too, Lou." Louis motions for me to come and see everyone. I see Greg, Gemma, Denise, Theo, my dad, Anne, Liam, and even Louis' family is here.

"Merry Christmas, Ni!" Anne shouts. I smile back at her, and continue to look for the one person I'm ready to face. I'm just craving him so bad right now, my body can even feel that he's so near.

"Merry Christmas, everybody. But if you'll excuse me," I mention, and everybody sends me warm smiles before I'm off to Harry's room.

With each step I take up the stairs seems like another 40 to go. It feels like time has stopped when I reach the top, maybe I'm not so confident as I am in my head.

I'm stumped in front of Harry's room, with my hand settled on the door knob just waiting to pull it open. The sound of the piano playing nonchalantly behind the closed door, and it sounds so good. I never knew Harry can play piano. I hold back, and knock softly.

I can hear Harry grumble from the other side, and the piano stopping. Before I even have time to breathe, I'm face to face with him. It seems like it's too long since I've seen him smile so big.

He leans against the door frame, with his crooked smile. It almost feels like déjà vu, but here he is standing within only inches away.

"It's about time," he says. It seems after so much thinking on what I was going to say, I can't form any words. I'm stuck, and I'm thinking way too much before I notice Harry bringing towards him and pressing his lips onto mine.

I melt into him, and close my eyes trying to remember this moment. The feelings that surround my entire body, and the emotions that overwhelm me entirely surface and it's absolutely exhilarating.

When we pull apart, the smile that's stretched across my face can't go away, because I'm too happy to begin with.

"I love you."

"I love you, too."


After all the fighting it just seemed to work out perfectly. So perfectly that we just fit, and cherished one another. I would never hold back, and neither would he because love makes you do crazy things.

We grew old together, and honestly it was the best damn time of my life spending it with the love of my life; my soulmate. Our kids always tell us our story is one of the greatest out there. Even our grandkids, are fighting to listen to it.

I rock back and fourth looking at the old scrap book Anne made us back then for our wedding. It's filled with many memories and moments I never want to forget.

I close the book, and look up at my husband of age 67, and let the single tear slip from my eye. It's an amazing feeling, just being here. Harry turns back and smiles brightly.

"The kids are here." He comes to sit back down, and sure enough the sound of giggling children are being heard.

The first to come into the living is Nilla, and Elena, our too eldest grandkids out of four. After them walks in our Daughter Ireland(and yes I named her), and after her husband Jackson.

"Hey dad, dada." She comes over and kisses us both on the cheek before sitting across from us.

"Where's your brother?" She shrugs, and I really don't expect her to know.

"He should be here soon." As soon as the words come spilling out, Rory comes in with little Kellan in his arms and Sydney walking in behind him. Justice, his wife comes in shortly after.

I cannot believe I'm even here with Harry right now, spending a nice family dinner with our kids, and their families. It's almost surreal how love works.


HUGE SHOUTOUT TO justxnarryx and chantelratchford  for always commenting and voting! all of your comments led me to keep up and I couldn't thank you guys anymore!

And just a thank you to everyone who took the time to read my book! I wrote this in just a short 4 months.

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