21 | Harry

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HOT HOT HOT HOT HOT HOT HOT HOT^^^^^^^^^^^^ 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥💀💀💀💀🔫 he actually killed me when I saw these HQ's *_*

I wonder what Harry thought when he say these HQ's ;)

It's early Sunday morning and the thought of talking with Niall about all of this is still running through my head. I never thought that this conversation would even spur.

I thought I'd never get to experience this all with him. He's just made this so surreal, I feel as though he can just slip through my finger tips and I'll loose him forever. I don't want to loose Niall, ever.

I want to be able to tell out parents what is going on. I want to be something with him, whatever it takes I'll make sure that we get there. I know I love him, I have never loved someone so much in my entire life. To think about Rylie right now, makes me want to barf.

I don't even know how I'm still in a relationship with her. It's not like we're exclusive anyways. As soon as this trip is over, I'm ending it with her. For once and for all, she never meant anything to me- well not like how Niall means to me.

Niall is everything, he's absolute perfection. I don't even know how someone can be so perfect. Even his flaws are unflawed. His beautiful freckles complete his gorgeous complexion. His his fake blond hair brings out the bright blue in his eyes. Not to mention, Niall with brown hair even brings out the blue in his eyes.

Every time I think about him in anyway, I always feel my heart pick up its pace. It's suddenly hard to breathe and I feel as though I'm so close to death when I'm in proximity of him. And at the same time, he makes me feel so high, like nothing can touch me, because he's not going to let them. I feel safe just near him, he's my serenity that I have been searching for so long.

How does one person make me feel so blissful? It makes me wonder how anyone goes through life without experiencing this. It feels wrong, but yet so right. Everything I've experienced with Niall is wrong in so many ways, but I can't help but feel completely in place with him.

He's makes me feel like home, whenever I'm with him. He just radiates this feeling off of him, that makes you feel so safe and okay. That when I'm with him, I know I'm going to be okay and not just physically, but also mentally.

I'm sat outside on the balcony of our room, just taking in the skyline of the city. I love everything about today so far, just to be so at peace with myself. About everything really, and I feel no one can break this.

"Hey-" I turn to Niall. He's stood against the arch of the screen door, observing me. A smile falls onto my face just at the sight of him.

"Come sit." I push over and Niall is fast to move to sit beside me.

It falls silent at first, I know this is the perfect time to talk about all of what I've been thinking about. I just don't know how to start this conversation.

"So I've been thinking," Niall starts off. I turn towards him to let him know that I am listening and he can carry on. "What are we doing Harry?"

I turn back ahead to the sunrise that's not quite just there yet. I slump into thought, because I'm fine what whatever Niall wants us to be. I thought I'd be the one asking him, not the other way around. So I'm in no way prepared for this question.

"What do you want us to be Niall?" I'm nervous that he just want something casual, like friends with benefits.

"I want us to be something Harry, I just don't want to fall back into what happened last week. I want everything on the table, and I want you to tell me stuff. What you want, don't send hints or expect me to know what you want. You have to tell me things, it's the only way this is gonna work," he expresses and I couldn't agree with him even more.

"What about our parents?" I ask nervously. It's been running through my head theses past couple days, and I'm curious as to how he sees it.

He shrugs, he seems stumped like me. "Why don't we figure out what we are first?"

I nod, "okay."

"So let's just take this one day at a time," Niall says. I put a hand to his knee and he places his on top of mine.

"Let's do it." Niall's face breaks into a smile before he comes into places his lips onto mine.

I could feel my heart pumping faster, and my tummy doing flips. It feels like everything is falling into place, and that I finally have what I've wanted for so long. But it also feels like it's going to come crashing down right in front of my eyes soon. I don't know when it's going to come or how it's going to come about, but I can feel it in my guy. I just hope what I'm feeling deep down inside is not true.


Skip ahead to Wednesday

Couple days have passed and it feels like it's been an eternity spent with Niall. He just makes me feel so high when I'm with him, that I don't even realize how time has sped up. Every waking minute with him has been the best time of my life. We're taking it slow, he hadn't had sex since Saturday and I feel like that's been the longest I've been without sexual activity. He just makes everything worth it. We don't need sex, but we want it.

Well I know I want it, and I know he wants it just as bad, but if we're going to taking things slow then I want us to wait a little while before we start to add that to the relationship. It mixes with everyone's emotions, and if the sex is put off for a while we'll start to actually appreciate the other. It'll help us shape the relationship we want with each other and it'll help us solve the actual feeling we have for each other.

I want to make sure Niall knows what he's getting into, because I know what I want it's just depends on him; if he really wants this or not.

I still feel deep down that he'll rethink this all and give up. Give up me, and it hurts to think this; it almost a kills me. I just got to think about the positivity of all of this, because then there's those fantasy's that I picture Niall and I ten years from now. We'll have two kids, one boy and one girl, it's all I want really. One of each, and I know Niall ants kids. He's only talked about him many times, to Louis while I've listened in on their conversation.

Niall wants everything that I want and I even see a dog in our future, maybe even a cat. I am more of a cat person, but I know Niall prefers dogs. I would adopt whatever to make him happy, because he makes me happy.

I'm gonna like skim through Brussels, because I've meant to only make this Fic 30 chapters max and I really put so much depth into Berlin and I can't wait to write Narry in Paris 😍😋... Next chapter is Niall's POV and what went down in Brussels and what he thinks.

Hope everyone had a safe and lit🔥 Canada's Day and Independence Day :) because I know mine was lit;)

x Ski

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