13 | Niall

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*earlier in the day*
As much as I want to stay with Harry in bed, my dad wants me to meet some of his old business friends that moved to Paris 10 years ago from Holmes Chapel. I really didn't want to be here, but I am mostly excited to see a long time Bestfriend of mine, whose the daughter of one of my dad's friends from way long back.
"Aren't you excited to see Leigh-Anne again?" My dad asks, while we wait in the elevator.
"Yeah, it's been so long!"
"I'm glad we planned to be in Berlin the same time they are," my dad explains. They have just arrived late last night and my dad exclaimed to me that we must have breakfast with them.
"Will there be anyone else to join us, besides Leigh-Anne and her dad?" I ask.
"Yes! Mr. Scott and his son Lance." Lance? I don't even recall a Lance. "They live here in Berlin."
I nod my head. My dad has never mentioned a Lance before. Then again my dad has friends all over Europe because of the business he's in.

I'm seated by Leigh-Anne of course, and this new Lance guy is seated on my right. I'm mostly conversing with Leigh-Anne as of the moment. It's been too long, her family didn't even travel back for my dad's wedding a couple years ago.
"So Niall, tell me what's new?" Leigh-Anne asks. I shrug my shoulders, because really nothing is new besides the dirty gossip that I fucked my stepbrother last night. I really couldn't tell her that because of my father that's sitting across from us talking to his long time friends.
"C'mon let me in on your dirty gossip," she says trying to persuade me. It's not working.
"Really nothing, other than the fact that I'm totally gay." She covers her mouth.
"I would have never guessed." She smirks.
I shrug, because everyone doesn't expect it from me.
*back to the present*
"Niall?" She asks, her head peaking out of her door.
Her hair is all over the place and her make-up is lightly smeared.
"Hi Leigh-Anne," I greet. "Don't mean to bother you so late." 
"Please, come in. It's only ten," she assures me and let's me come fully into her room.
"I need to talk to you."
She brings me over to her bed and we take a seat.
"What is it babe?" She bites her lip.
"I'm having problems, like boy problems." Her faces goes in awe.
"Tell me everything!" She exclaims. I chuckle lightly at her enthusiasm. It's kinda cute.
"So I have a stepbrother, and he's like really hot." I can feel my face growing red, while I try to avoid eye contact with her.
"Ou, a steamy affair between two step-brother I love it!" She squeals. I can't help but let out a very uneasy chuckle. A steamy affair between two step-Brothers? You can call it that I guess.
"Well, we had sex last night.." I confess. Her hands cover mouth, while she processes my confession. She squeals again and jumps up and down a couple times from excitement.
"That's great, I didn't think you'd have it in you Niall?" She laughs. "Are you top? Or is he? Give me details!"
I let out an uneasy laugh, and shake my head in disbelief.
"Maybe next time I'll spare you the details." She pouts at my decline to her demand.
"Your no fun."
"I just- he only wants to be fuck buddies." I frown; looking down at my hands in my lap, and try to click my phone on but the battery sign shows up. I throw it to the side leaving it there.
"Well what do you want from him?" She asks. I look up at her and meet her eyes. I shrug, because I really didn't know what I want from him. What can I get from him? Is the question. It's has been running through my head all day. I don't know how to feel about what we did, but today Harry has been acting so sour. Not just to Me- but Louis and Lance. I think he brought out his worst in Louis the most. Louis has locked himself in his room all night not letting me nor Liam in. It was so sad to see him so let down.
Leave it up to Harry to let you down.
I huff out in exhaustion, and shrug my shoulders. Leigh-Anne shakes her head at me.
"Niall your too stubborn for your own good," she says. I'd try to act offended but it's only Leigh-Anne and I know she means good.
"Leigh-Anne, what do I do?" I cry. She wraps her arms around my limb body. I fall into her and really start to cry now. I don't know where these tears are coming from or even know why I'm crying.
"Follow your heart. If you like him go for it or your just gonna regret it when your older." It's true, I know it is because I'd be seeing him at every family gathering with his future hypothetical partner, including Christmas, thanks giving, and Easter. And also if this doesn't work out then I would be seeing him anyways. It's a loose-loose situation, with Harry nothing ever turns out because in the end he always ends up fucking it up.
It's harsh to think or even say, but it's true. He can't keep anything steady, and his longest relationship is on going with Rylie with a month and counting.
God I really hate Rylie, and to think I totally even forgot about her while I was fucking Harry's brains out.
Then there's Lance. Sure he's attractive and smart and not conflicted. He knows what he wants and he's a great guy, he's just not Harry and no one ever will.
I look up at Leigh-Anne, as she watches me intently. I meet her eyes and a smile forms on my face.
"I think I've got my answer," I say. Her face breaks into a smile as well.
I decided to just spend the night in Leigh-Anne's room to leave Harry by himself to think. In reality, I needed to time to myself, for my own good. I needed a night away from Harry, for myself. At least that's what I kept telling myself.
"Well, I'm going to get going," Leigh-Anne says. "Make sure the doors shut when you leave."
I shouted an okay back and continued to style my hair in the mirror. I want to look my best for Harry, I'm going to confess it to him. I'm going to tell him the truth.
I take a look in the mirror and analyze my appearance, still wearing yesterday's clothes.
"You can do it Niall," I say to myself. I let out an sigh and turn to the door and on my way to find Harry.
I'm on a mission at the moment, but before I even make it to him I have one more stop to make.

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