27 | Harry

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{12 hours before at 9:30 p.m. Friday night}

When he walks out of the bathroom my heart stops in my chest. The glasses he's wearing are perfecting his face and making him look more like the man I know he is. Although I know they're fake, he certainly knows how to rock them. His hair is perfectly quiffed up, and his tux is amazingly fitting his body at every angle. I thought he looked amazing last night, but today he has this hint to him that just makes me want to fall harder for him.

He looks up and smiles as soon as he spots me, I truly don't look as good as he does. My hair randomly tussled and Liam forced me to get a haircut, so as soon as Niall notices his jaw drops and his eye brighten.

"Your hair! It's gone." I chuckle out, and come over to place a kiss to his cheek.

"Blame Liam for that." Niall shakes his head, and bites his lip while checking me out fully.

"Your so handsome." I can't help but blush at the small compliment, no matter how much I try to hide it.

"So shall we?" I hold out my arm for him to grasp too and he does wrapping both of his around mine while I escort him out.

"Have fun!" Gemma squeals. I roll my eyes, and walk us to the lift. The door is now shut and I feel like we're both alone, the two of us throughout this entire week of seeing every tourist attraction besides the one we're seeing tonight. My mum has confirmed that she had taken Bobby out to a fancy restaurant all the way across town, to ensure that we won't run into each other.


We're in the back of a limo that has been rented out for the two of us on this special night.

When we reach the Eiffel Tower, I help Niall out of the vehicle like a gentlemen. I watch as Niall peels his eyes to the gigantic monument. His face falls into adoration, and the smile on my face as I watch him is never going away. Watching him so amazed by any thing is an adorable to watch. His eyes twinkle and the grin on his face is everything that brighten my day.

"Shall we go up?" I ask. Niall looks over at me, and nods his head slowly. I grasp onto his hand and pull him towards the tower.

We make it up the stairs, when Niall stops dead in his tracks. I turn back towards him, wondering what he's doing.

"Where is everybody?" He asks. I can't help the smile that I try to hold back.

"About that," I start.

Niall's face drops, but then he realizes what I did. "You didn't."

"I did, my mum gave me your dad's credit card." I chuckle out, while scratching the back of my head. Niall laughs out as well, and it's so freaking adorable that I can't help my heart when it flutters.

"Your fucking amazing." He wraps his arms around me, and I know he's not mad at me for spending his dad's money.

We make it to the top and I can see the glint in Niall's eyes as he takes in the entire view of Paris. I look over the view as well, entirely cascaded by the beautiful view I have right here in front of me; my boyfriend. Cheesy, and corny I know but it doesn't stop me from thinking like that. He's the only view I ever get chocked up on.

"C'mon this way." Niall looks over towards me, while I lend out my hand to him to take. He does, while I lead him over to where we're having dinner.

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