18 | Harry

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I raced out of the ball room, not up to fight. I cannot believe I just blew my shot with Niall like. He was there standing in front of me, practically confessing he likes me and all I do is deny him. Like he means nothing, when in reality he means everything.
Before I can make it into a cab my name is being called.
I turn around to see Leigh-Anne racing down after me. I sigh, not really looking forward to another one of her lectures.
"Your a coward you know that," she says. I know I am, but doesn't mean I'm going to admit that. I'm disappointed in myself that I'm just letting Niall slip through my finger tips.
"Please, just let me leave." I'm not up to fight at all wth her tonight. I barley know her anyways. She's filling in for Louis just fine, once I got rid of him another one comes along like its their fucking calling.
"You broke him Harry. You don't deserve him." I sigh, again. I know I hurt him, and I know I'm hurting myself along the way.
"Niall deserves someone who can cherish him, and I'm not that kind of guy." I can feel myself ready to cry, but I'm not going do that in front of her. I have a rep to protect- god I sound like Johnny Nogerelli from Grease Two.
"Bullshit," she snaps. "Your afraid of yourself, and I don't know why your putting Niall through this, hell I don't know why your putting yourself through this. You told me yourself, that you love him. I don't believe it, because if you love him you wouldn't do this to him. Sure you'd do it yourself, but you don't hurt the ones you love."
I don't answer her, and I know I'm being  stubborn and foolish. Anyone would be lucky to have Niall, and really what would happen if we even got together? Get married, have kids, visit each tigers families on the holiday's. Yeah because that would turn out perfect.
She scoffs, and walks back into the building leaving me alone on the street. I close the taxi door, and watch him drive away without me.
I think I'm just going to walk back, and let myself feel like a fuck up about this whole situation. I'll admit it, I fucked up. I lost the one person, who I've truly ever let myself fall for.

I straighten myself, and head back to where I left Louis and Liam.
As soon as I get back everyone is conversing between each other. I stay quiet, wondering where Harry took off. Leigh-Anne comes back shortly after me, not caring where she was. I know I'll eventually forgive her, and let her explain. I'm just too hurt to even hear what actually went down between the two.
"I think I'm going to head out," I says. Liam and Louis' faces both fall.
"Are you sure? What happened?" Louis asks.
"Nothing Lou, I'm just not up for this." Louis nods, still not looking like he believe me but doesn't protest against me.
"Do you want me to come with you?" He asks. Honestly, I just want to be alone, I feel like I need to just cry about this alone. He doesn't want me, and now he just made it crystal clear. I've been holding onto false hope.
"No it's fine, both of you, stay." Louis nods. He almost doesn't seem content on letting me leave alone. That's one of the things I absolutely adore and love about Louis, he never leaves a friend alone in a time of need. He'll do whatever it takes to make sure your okay, and really that's all I ever ask of him.
I say goodbye to my dad and Anne, and don't bother saying goodbye to Lance nor Leigh-Anne. I haven't shuttered a word to Lance since our supper and really he just annoys me in a way, and the way he looks at me, makes me want be far away from his abs possible.
I exit the building and decide to walk, which the hotel is only just a couple blocks down. May give me time to think about all that has happened.

It only took me 20 minutes to walk back, and I race up to my room and waste no time in slotting my key into the door and opening it.
Strangely there is a light on. I walk around the corner and as soon as I spot Harry sitting on a chair in the corner, my breath hitches.
"Fuck, Harry!" He looks up at me and stands up.
"I'm sorry okay," he says. I'm still in shock he's here right now. "I'm so fucking sorry Niall."
I bite my lip, and process that he's even here right now. Only half hour ago he was denying me walking out of my life. Humiliating me, and hurting me like no one has ever done before, and suddenly he's here in my room apologizing for what? For humiliating me, for running away, for letting him get to close to me? What, because I want to know.
Now he's walking closer towards me and with each step he takes my heart is pumping faster. Until he's right in front of me, and with that I almost loose my footing.
His one hand rests on my hip and brings me closer to his body, while his other rests on my back caressing me. I look away from his eyes, still not even believing he's here with me now trying to apologize. What I'm still wondering is what is he apologizing for? For leaving me back there, or for putting me through hell with what we went through.
"Niall look at me," he demands. His one hand moves from my back to my cheek, so he can move my head to look up at him. I can feel his breathe on my face now. I gulp as soon as I meet his eyes.
"You hurt me," I croak. I look away again, the tears beginning to form.
"I know, I'm so sorry baby. Just look at me, please," he begs. I do as he asks and look at him. His face softens. "Hear me out."
"I'm listening." I'm not up for prolonging this any longer. Whatever he has to say, he better put it out there before I fucking end this for good.
"When you left the morning after we had sex, I didn't hear from you at all. Until I saw you with him, Lance. Anger boiled inside of me because I was jealous and you weren't paying any attention to me at all. You spent your whole day with him and so I got drunk. Louis was just fucking pissing me off, and I'm sorry I snapped at him. I was anger with you, and I really had no right to be. I was the one that asked for us to be strictly fuck-buddies. Fuck that was the biggest mistake I've ever made, because Niall I see you so much more that. I love you." He confesses. Harry loves me? I was not expecting that, because honestly do I love him?
I did the only thing I can think of by accepting his apology. I kissed him, and fuck it feels so fucking amazing. His lips feel so untouched and needy. Harry pushes me up against the wall causing a whimper to release from my lips and into his mouth.
Harry moans, while his hands trail throughout my body and down to my bum grasping it. I jump up wrapping my legs around Harry's waist, and let my hands wrap around his neck.
My hands get tangled into his hair, earring moan from Harry that gets swallowed into my mouth.
"Fuck Ni," he moans. He holds me up and walks over to my bed and throws me on. Harry comes down to kiss me, and i slide down his jacket. Then I reach his neck to his tie and loosen it.
Once it's loosened and untied I slide it off and began to fumble with the buttons on his dress shirt.
"Eager aren't we?" Harry chuckles. I bite my lip and come up to peck Harry's lips quickly. He slides off his shirt and is now fumbling with untying my bow tie.
"Fuck," he curses. "How come this is so hard to untie.
"Blame it on your mother." We both chuckle, and by now he has it undone and on the floor along with the others.
Harry has me now undressed and the only thing standing in our way is the hot pants Harry has on that makes his butt look round and let's just say huge.
I reach to unbuckle his belt and he chuckles.
"Your so cute, when your so needy for me." I roll my eyes and slide down his pants and then his boxers.
Harry lays me down onto the bed and hovers above me.
"I'm going to fuck you so hard that you won't be able to walk in the morning," he growls. Holy fuck. "Got it?"
I nod. Harry shakes his head.
"No Ni, I want to hear you say how much you want me." I tremble at his words, he sounds so fucking hot.
"Harry please just fuck me." He smirks.
"Got the lube?" He asks. I nod and reach over towards the night stand and pull out Louis' bottle of lube. I pass him it, and he quiets some onto his hand and began to stroke his dick. Watching him do so, got me even more excited.
When he is finished he tosses the bottle to the side and hovered over me, while his member poked my hole.
Harry bent down to kiss me lips and then thrusted into me, at first letting me adjust to my comfort. I moan out, while his length piled into me all the way.
"Ready Ni?" I nod. Fuck this is so uncomfortable, but in a way it feels amazing.
Harry began slow thrusts, and let me tell you each time he came in and out of me hurt like a fucking bitch.
I soon adjusted to the feeling, and it started to really feel great. Each time Harry thrusted into me he made sure I felt comfortable.
He comes down to kiss me and let's out a moan into my mouth, and I really love when he does that. It's so hot.
"Fuck Ni, your so tight." I blush. "Don't blush baby."
His thrusts quicken a bit, and I'm now enjoying every second of this.
Harry keeps giving me little pecks on the lips, and continues to fasten his hips into mine.
Harry's hand reaches down to my dick and starts to pump me fast.
Fuck I'm coming to my high so fast. Harry's thrusted sped up even more, causing the bed to squeak and the bed to rock against the wall.
"Fuck Haz," I moan. I'm almost at me peak and I could tell Harry is coming to his fast as well.
"Your doing so well baby." He wipes the hair out my face and his thrusts began to slow down. Harry pumps me faster and I then reach my hair letting myself spill all over my tummy.
Harry moans out and let's himself go and spills himself into me, adding a couple more thrusts to carry it out.
He pulls out and falls beside me. Before he cuddles into me, he gets up and runs to bathroom.
He comes back with a napkin and wipes my friends off my tummy.
"Thanks," I say.
"Anything for you baby," he pecks my lips quickly and gets up to discard the napkin.
When he comes back, I'm already under the covers and he shuts the lights off quickly and jumps into bed after me.
I cuddle myself into and he wraps his arms around my body bringing me close to him.
Fuck, it seems after all of this it's finally working out. What scares me the most is going to be waking up to this in the morning.
I feel so tried after all of this, and it's only nine in the evening. My eyes are fighting to stay open.
"Go to bed baby," Harry says. I don't hesitate after that and let my eyes shut.

I hope you all love me;) early update cause who doesn't love some steamy Narry make up sex;)

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