2 | Harry

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Blue eyes use to be just blue eyes, and dirty blonde hair, use to be just dirty blonde hair. It's implacable on how I've grew such feelings towards him. I don't even know myself how this all started. It kind of just crept up one, and now I can't stop thinking about him.

Years have passed by, and it seems that this feeling is just not slipping away anytime soon. With every waking moment, he's there clouding my thoughts. My mind use to just think about anything normal, now it's almost as if I can't control the way I think about him. I know it's unhealthy and I know I can't have these feelings about him, I just can't help my wandering self.

My body has this craving for him, and yet I never give into the way my body reacts to him only metres away. My heart use to beat normal, and now it just seems it's exploding out of my chest all the time now. It's never going away, and I have no way in controlling myself.

I lean against the coble stone arch watching as he sleepily stands in front of me. He looks absolutely tired and exhausted, but in a way he looks incredible sexy. The way he's dressed, with the grey sweats and Adidas high-tops, and to add the maroon sweaters that has to be my favourite colour on him.

I know watching him like this so open can get me caught, but no one is arund to catch me.

I spoke too soon before I'm being interrupted by my older sister Gemma. "Harry your so obvious."
"Cut it out," I wrap my arms around her as she comes into my side, "or I'll tell mom where you spent last spring break."
She stares at me with a mouth agape. "You wouldn't." I smirk at her as she slaps my arm, "you dick." And she's gone, leaving me to stare at the sleepy Niall in front of me.
"Okay folks, the shuttle is outside." Bobby comes down the stairs with my mom trailing behind him. I pick up my suitcases and make my way outside.
I take a seat in the very back, and I see Niall ready to get in but when he looks up to see me I give me a simple smile showing my teeth. He groans before he steps out and let's Liam in, to sit next to me. I frown and Liam try's to smile at me but he only nods and pats my shoulder. Liam knows that I find him attractive, but he doesn't know how I deal with it.
"Sorry mate," he says. I shrug and plug my earphones in ignoring this awful world of unfairness.


I'm on the plane and somehow I got seated by the lovely Louis as Liam is seated beside Niall, while they chat away. I watched them intently and I guess Louis took notice as he taps my arm and I look over towards him.
"You like him, don't you?" He deadpans. I stare at him with my mouth agape. This boy catches on fast.
"Is it that obvious?" I question.
"Oh Harry dear, you have no idea. Niall is completely oblivious," he says and that reassures me but his next words hurt like hell, "he use to like you, that's until you turned into a jackass."
I don't think he meant for me to hear him, but I did. He said it so quiet, and it made me smile to know that but at the same time it made my heart break into two that I cause it all to slip away from me.
I watched Niall ahead a couple rows as he and Liam laughed about something. I wish he could laugh along with me.
I slip my head phones in so I can enjoy this plane ride to our first destinations and thank god it's Amsterdam; one of my favourite cities.


The plane ride went by fast and Louis is currently sleeping on my shoulder. I don't want to wake him but I had to.
"Hey Lou," I tap his arm as he shifts up yawning.
"Are we here?" I nod. I looks straight at Niall before he turns his head towards me toe. He's talking to Liam about something and I wonder what they're talking about, because they're making faces at each other.

We are all boarded off the plane and heading our way to the hotel we'll be staying at and I loved Amsterdam already. The scenery is beautiful, just from the airport to the hotel is magnificent.
When we all arrived, we scattered in the lobby as Bobby checked us into our hotel, and it didn't take long for him to arrive back with out keys.
"Okay guys," Bobby halts us. "Gemma your by yourself, Louis and Liam."
Bobby goes to hand them the key when he's about to hand it over he holds it up and demands that "they keep that room tidy."
"Of course Bobby, you know me. C'mon?" Louis reason.
"That's what I mean Lou." I can't help but laugh. Louis looks a little hurt by bobbies nonexistent faith in him.
"Got my word," Louis assures and grabs the keys and hurries to the elevator with Liam. Louis looks quite mischievous, and I can imagine he has something planned, that could get him into trouble.
Bobby turns towards us and he smiles politely at us with uneasy facial features. "Boys I want no fighting, were in Amsterdam for a week."
"I'll try dad, but it's hard with him in a 100 metre radius," Niall snorts and I can't help but smile at his snarky comment. He's so cute when he tried to be mean.
"I mean it," Bobby warns us one more time before Niall grabs the key and we both head to the elevator.
It's a quiet ride and I'm trying to find someway to bug him but I couldn't come up with anything. I looked over towards him as he's taping his foot impatiently.
"Niall would you stop? The tapping isn't going to help bring us to our floor any quicker,"I snap while a smirk is growing on my face. He looks towards me with evil eyes that could kill. It kinda turned me on, just a little bit but I wouldn't tell anyone that. 
"Fuck off Harry," he snorts. I scoff, as I look at him again. He looks utterly annoyed and it's funny to watch him get so worked up.
"Why such vulgar language darling?" I mocked, in a sweet young girls voice.
"Fuck you," the only words he knows is Fuck. I would have him gladly fuck me. I smirk as I turn towards him, just before the doors soon open.
"I would gladly fuck you," he huffs in frustration before he exits the elevator with a sour face. I stood there chucking at the pour Irish boy. He got so worked up, it's not helping him in anyway.
I follow him out to our door before he slides the key in and it clicks open.
Niall opens the door throwing his suitcase on the bed closest to the window.
"What do you think your doing?" I ask.
"I pick this bed," he says innocently. I laugh, just because he thinks he can just choose what he wants to do in our hotel room. Well look buddy, there's two of us that'll be rooming in here.
"Your funny Ni." I laugh. "But I want this bed."
"C'mon Harry," he whines. "You're doing this to bug me, stop."
He sounds almost confident.
"Sorry." I drop my suitcase on the bed and laid myself on top.
Niall groans in frustration before storming to the bathroom.
"Well I guess that settles it." I slip off my shoes and make myself comfortable. This is going to be fun.

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