22 | Niall

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The week went by too fast and were already here, in Paris. Then we'll take the train back to England.

The that Thursday day out in Brussel was quickly spent in the shops and Harry has treated me to, too much gifts. I can't even count all of the stuff he has boughten me, and I'm the one with a rich daddy. He absolutely spoils me, and I wish I can pay him back by trying to buy him stuff but he refuses.

Sometimes I think he's just being a bit stubborn, but he's my stubbornness. I don't think I've ever felt this towards anyone, I feel so peaceful with him. He's making me see a lot of the world that I've never seen before. He's opening my perspective on things I've never thought I would notice.

It's one of the many things I love about him, he's just so open with the world. I've never seen him as someone who is so caring, but he is. He is passionate about everything he does, and I really don't know how I found myself so lucky with someone like him.

I feel like I'm really letting myself fall, and I'm not even worried about it. Not at all, because I can now say that I trust him. With my life, and I never in my life ever thought I would be admitting that to myself. I trust him enough, to know that he will catch me. I know he'll be there with open arms, and I just can't wait to be there- at that peak of our relationship.

Where I can finally say that I love him, I know I'm not there fully. I'm just starting to feel that connection to him, but I know I will be feeling that very soon and I can't wait to share that feeling. I know he has let me know that he's in love with me, I just never felt that yet towards him, until now.

I can feel it in my bones, it itches on my skin and it's never peeling off because the way he has changed. He's changed so much in the time we've come together and I'm really proud of him as a person. He's everything now that I'd imagine myself with. He's finally the man that I want to start a relationship with.

I feel like the old bickering side of us is now in the past and it's to rest. I know looking back on those days that I will miss that with him, because that's where it all started.

It was the beginning of our new love story that I don't want to let go of so easily. I will though, because we both need to focus on how we're going to carry this on. How we're going to focus on each other and how we're going to bring out the better in each other.

I know Harry will do a damn good job because I know I feel myself changing and getting better with each day spent with him. I just don't have so much faith in myself that I'll do a good job. What if I screw this all up? What if Harry doesn't see the good in me that he once did?

I know it's silly, and quite foolish to think so, but I can't help myself. I just feel like I'm going make him fall out of love with me. As much as I hate to admit it, it's the possibility that I may not be good enough for someone like Harry.

It brings me back to Brussels again, when we were getting ready for a night out. The gayness in me coming out, on what I couldn't decide to wear. As stereotypical is sounds, I couldn't decide what I wanted to wear for club night out.

I stand in front of the mirror, while a loose fitted buttoned up shirt is on my higher upper body. It's a red v-neck, and I wasn't sure if it actually looks good on me or not. Red is not really my colour to begin with.

I fiddle with the hem of my shirt while I continue to play out how I feel in this shirt. Just when I'm ready to slip off the shirt, Harry's arms wrap around my waist. He brings me in to his chest, letting his lips kiss my neck.

"You look so hot babe," he says. While he continues to suckle my neck.

Letting an moan escaping through my mouth. Harry's lips curve, and he stops his distracting actions. He looks up into the mirror, letting his head rest onto my shoulder.

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