5 | Harry

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Niall and I walked side by side as we strolled through Vondelpark. It was beautiful outside today, and I can't help but take I'm the scenery. The wind blowing a little, while the sun shines bright over us.
Niall and I haven't exchanged much words and I honestly don't have anything planned for today. It was eating me alive how we're practically doing nothing.
When we walked the path to docks, I guess we were gonna take a walk on the docks that's until Niall stops us dead in tracks.
"Harry I swear to god if you push me off, your dead."
I laughed at him, it's like he knew me too well. "Don't worry Ni."
I don't think he fully trusted me and when make it to the end of the dock and a guy stood with tickets, as two paddle boats floated in the dock.
"Care for a ride on the paddle boats? £7 an hour?" The guy cheered. I looked over towards Niall as he's grinning in excitement. I shrugged my shoulders as I hand the guy the money and he lets us get into the paddle boat.
"Harry don't you fucking tip us." Why did he always have to swear? It's like fuck is apart of his vocabulary.
"Whatever Niall," I sat on the right of him as I started to paddle the boat.

We didn't get very far, as we were spinning in circles. This wasn't working out very much and why is that the only activities Niall and do we are on water.
"Harry steer the fucking thing," there he goes again with the fucking swearing.
"Niall why do you always have to fucking swear?" I said fuck just to add enthusiasm, he only gave me dirty look at he tried to steer the boat all by himself.
"Fuck off," he mutters as he spins the pedel just a little to hard spinning us in circles.
"Okay were obviously going no where in life," I laugh dryly. Niall only scoffs as he pulls out his phone. Silly boy, bringing his phone in water with me currently in the boat.
"Hey Ni, I've got an idea?" Niall looks up at me with a more annoyed face then before.
"What's that?" He asks. I smirk.
"Hold up your phone let's take a selfie," he looks at me confusingly but he doesn't protest as he holds up his phone and clicks the bottom. He brings it down and looks at it. I look at it closely beside him, it looks cute.
"That's cute," I say. Niall looks up at me, confused by my comment. But I could see the brightness in his eyes behind his sunglasses and his cute hat, and his light tinted cheeks.
"Whatever Harry," he puts his phone in his pocket and he stares into the distance.
"Hey Niall?" He groans again as he looks up at me again.
"What Harry," he got annoyed so easily and it was quite funny to watch.
"You got a life proof case eh?" He nods and that's when I tip us.
I was under the water and lost Niall somewhere. As I reached the top of the water I'm laughing historically cause he always seems to trust me in horrible situations.
Niall emerged from under the water as he splashes the water until he holds himself on top the surface.
"What the fuck Harry? Why is this the second time today were in the fucking water together?" He always gets pissed off but only if he saw this as fun, he really needs to loosen the fuck up.
"C'mon Niall this is fun!" I exclaim.
"Fuck you Harry," he starts to swim away but he doesn't get to far as he turns around to face me, "why do you always do this?"
Was he fucking crying?
"Niall are you seriously crying? It's all fun and games."
"Harry just leave me alone," he starts to swim away until a boat comes speeding by and he gets knocked under the water by the wave.
I fight the wave as I swim towards him, he still hasn't came up from under the water. I was starting to panic.
"Niall!" I shout, "You can come up now!"
I looked around trying to look under the water, he was no where and in seconds splashing is coming and Niall shouts "Boo!"
I screamed like a little girl and Niall just bursted out laughing.
"Fuck that was funny," he giggles. Niall's sweat giggle almost didn't make me mad at him but he was gonna pay. I jumped on him and he went under the water and started to swim away.
"Where the fuck are you going?" I shout.
"Going to get dressed and shower, supper is in a couple hours."
"Well Fuck."
I was wearing black jeans and a black shirt that buttoned all the way up my neck. My hair was quiffed and I decided on black nike high tops. I was defiantly checking myself out in the mirror when Harry came out of the bathroom looking extremely hot. I wouldn't admit that in real life, but man did he look hot.
"Quit checking me out Horan," fuck.
"Don't be so cocky Styles," Harry only smirked as he fixed buttoned up his loose maroon striped shirt. His hair actually the craziest thing right now and I loved how he styled it.
"Whatever Horan, let's go."
I grabbed the room key and walked out the door with Harry trailing behind me. The elevator ride was just a little awkward and uncomfortable. Harry had his hands behind his back and he tapped his foot lightly that no sound was being made.
"Horan take a picture, I didn't know that I was that good looking," I look up to meet his eyes as he had a smirk evident on his face as I roll my eyes at his cockiness. He was being extremely flirty and annoying at the same time.
The elevator dinged and we both got out meeting Liam and Louis who stood in the lobby waiting for the two of us.
"Well look who it, they haven't killed each other yet?" Louis smirks. I shake my head at him and he takes that as a hint to shut his mouth. That's until Liam speaks up and almost makes my heart jump out of its place.
"Harry could never hurt Niall," it confused me a little by his comment but I shrugged it off and we left towards the restaurant.
I walked aside Louis because I've rarely seen him this whole trip and he came to be my friend and take adventures with me throughout the cities but he's with Liam and I was sadly with Harry.
Like what's the point of them both coming if Harry and I forced to share a room and practically do everything with each other. It's pointless.
When we reached the restaurant my dad, Anne, and Gemma we already seated and 4 awaiting spots were open for us.
This place was quite fancy and I wonder how much it would cost for us to eat here. I thankfully sat beside Louis but sadly Harry was seated in the other side of me.
I was in the middle of the conversation with Louis when I could feel a hard on my knee. What the fuck, it scared me a little as I jumped in my seat.
Everyone looked at me and my face flushed.
"Are you alright dear?" I looked over towards a smirking Harry. What a fucking jerk.
"Just peachy," I smile and try hold back the profanity I wanted to hell at him but our parents were seated across from us and we were in a 4 star restaurant.
I turned back to Louis as he went on about what Liam and him did today. I wasn't paying attention because as soon as everyone turned there attention away from me Harry's hand inched closer and closer up my thigh. What the fuck was he trying pull?
I tried to squirm his hand off, but it didn't work as Louis gave me a confused look.
"You alright there Ni?" Louis chuckled. I simply nodded my head as I bit my lip, and Louis carried on his story not a second thinking or clueing into my odd behaviour.
Then Harry's hand is now the closes its been to my crotch. I was squirming in my seat but I kind of loved his hand on my thigh just touching me.
Harry is my step brother he should not be touching me like this. When Harry's hand was fully on my crotch I think I could feel myself growing hard. My face turned red and I guess is wasn't going unseen by Gemma.
"Niall are you okay?" Everyone turned towards me and as soon as Harry could feel my growing hard cock he pulls away his hand as he burst into a fit of laughter.
I turned towards the laughing boy beside me as I sit up but I grab my napkin holding it to my crotch area as I smacked him on his arm and got up to go to the bathroom.
What will Harry think of me getting hard form his touch? I hope not much, what the fucking are you saying Niall. You practically got a total hard on by Harry touching you.
I'm currently in one of the stalls trying to get rid of Harry's mishap when I could hear Louis' voice as the bathroom door is opening.
"What the fuck Niall? What was that?" Louis demands. I could feel him standing outside my stall trying to listen in on my action.
"Louis if I tell you, please do not make fun of me," I really didn't know if I wanted to tell him.
"Please don't tell me what I think it is," he is giggling and it makes me more insecure to tell him.
"I just got a fucking hard on by Harry touching my crotch, and he totally knows it," Louis was laughing and I had to wait for him to finish his fit before I could say anything else.
"Niall, it's out there now," he laughs out.
"Louis this doesn't mean anything!"
"Please Niall, your practically turned on by Harry touching you, if that doesn't scream out I'm in love with my stepbrother then I don't know what does."
He gots a point but that doesn't mean that I'm gonna agree. Okay maybe I liked him just a little bit, but he is still a jerk.
"Louis, Harry is a total douche," I speak my thoughts out as he's leaning one hand on the stall wall facing the wall. Louis only looks up at me and his face breaks into a smile.
"That's still funny as fuck, I got to go tell Liam."
"Wait Lou-" and he's out the door. For fuck sake.
I do my business and I'm heading back to my table and take my seat and once I do Liam, Louis, and Gemma are laughing.
I look up to all of them and scowl at them.
"What's so funny?" Harry asks. I turn to look at him and my face is flushed I can feel it.
"If you only knew," Louis comments and I look at him and frown. He really had a big mouth. This night is never gonna end.

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