4 | Harry

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Niall is currently still sleeping and I can't help but watch him. He looks peaceful and I'm preparing to ruin his slumber.
I walk over towards his side of the bed as I look him over. I plunged earphones into my phone and slipped them into his earlobes. This is gonna be a good one.
As soon as they are steadily in his ears and I achieved putting them in, without awaking him. I go through my library. What's a good song? I stumble upon, King for a Day by Pierce the Veil and smirk. This one will make him pee to bed.
I start the song and in seconds Niall jumps out of bed. His eyes go wide and he's holding his ears as the earbuds rip out.
"What the fuck Harry?" He snaps. I laugh historically.
"That was probably one of the funniest things I've done to you," I clutch my stomach as I'm laughing way too hard for my own good. "That was so funny," I laugh harder falling to the ground.
"Your a fucking dick," He says, as he struts to the bathroom leaving me alone to myself.
Five minutes pass by and Niall comes out freshly showered and clean. He stares at me and I couldn't help but let out another laugh, I would never let him live this down. He walks to the door and slams it shut. As if I waited for him and he didn't have the decency to wait for me. I groan before I sit up and walk out after him.
Everyone is downstairs eating breakfast and the only seat open was between Niall and Gemma. I take a seat, while being greeted by a various of 'Good Mornings'.
"So how was your guy's day yesterday?" My mom asked as she sipped her tea.
"Me and Liam went for a walk just through the streets," Louis says. My mom and Bobby nod as they turn to Gemma.
"I just walked the streets as well," she shrugs.
"How about you Harry?" Bobby asked and I looked over towards Niall as he has a slight smile on his face. He was suddenly grumpy 2 seconds ago and now he has a smile, he looked cute- what no. I don't find Niall cute, hot yes. Not cute.
"Um, Niall and I walked the streets. Checked out an old book store and we rode the fairy," I shrug as I looked over my menu.
"Well that's great, both of you spending time together," Bobby grins. He seems proud that this is working.
"The only reason I went with him is because Louis took off before I even had the chance to put my luggage in my room," Niall says and now he's back to being grumpy, oh but we were having such a grand time.
"Whatever Niall, you like my company. Admit it," I tried to pinch his cheek but he swatted my hand away.
"Don't fucking touch me," he swears.
"That's enough boys, what did I say?" Bobby got really annoyed with us and you would think we were actually real brothers from the way we act. You know, Niall and I use to be friends back in the day, but that was then and this is now.
"Sorry dad, he's just too annoying for his own good," Niall's snarky comments just keep coming and I loved it.
"Your so adorable, with your little come backs. Yes you are, yes you are," I mocked and let out a little chuckle at the end of it. Annoying Niall was a hobby and I enjoyed every minute of it.
"Harry shut your mouth, before I smack you," he says, letting an frustrated sigh out.He was so bad sometimes with his comebacks, it was almost sad to listen to.
"Fight me Horan," I took a piece of bacon from Gemma's plate as I rubbed it in his face. He groaned and sat up from his seating leaving me to gloat. I smile and turn my body and look up to Bobby and my mum giving me a scowl.
"Harry, I want you to go apologize to Niall right now," my mom demands. I raise my hands in defeat as I get up mumbling a "fine," and went to find Niall.
I checked the bathroom, the lobby, next is the pool. I slot my key into the slot, the door clicks and I open it and find Niall seated on the ledge of the pool with his feet in the waster.
I sit down beside him, and he only looks away not meeting my eyes.
"Why do you do everything to spite me?" He asks, looking towards me. I shrug. I really didn't know why I suddenly liked bugging the living shit out of him. Maybe it was because I got a reaction out of him in a different way than I really want to. I really didn't know, it was entertaining though.
"I don't know Niall," I look at him and I meet his eyes. I suddenly found myself leaning into him and before my face is inches away from his I'm pushed into the water.
When I reach the top of the water Niall is laughing hysterically. I couldn't help but find it cute how he found this funny, because I wasn't going down without a fight.
I swim over towards the ledge and just as he thinks I'm going to get out of the pool, I grab him and pull him down with me. Pay backs a bitch hunny.
I'm holding onto Niall the entire time until we reach the top and he separates his body form mine.
"What the fuck Harry," he shouts. I can't help but laugh because it was generally funny in a way. Niall took notice of my laughing and he soon joined in.
I started to slash him and he splashes me back. I think we were having such a good time because we both didn't notice the three standing figures until Louis clears his throat and we both stop and look at Gemma, Liam, and Louis standing there like they caught us in the act of illegal action.
"Care to explain?" Gemma laughs
"Niall pushed me into the pool, so I had to take my revenge by pulling him down with me," I smirk.
"Of course," Gemma laughed dryly, "get out, we're leaving for the Ann Frank House in 15 minutes."
And she walks away.


"Okay, what the fuck did I just walk in on 45 minutes ago?" Louis is being over sarcastic and I want to punch him in the throat. He's being God awful annoying when it comes to pursuing me having a thing for my own Stepbrother.
Which is delusional to even think of.
"Louis it's what we do, we bug the shit out of each other," I laugh. We are currently walking around the Ann Frank House and it's already a cool experience.
"Exactly, that's flirting. Duh," Okay, officially Louis has lost his mind, "I know stuff Niall. Don't think that whatever you and Harry do goes unseen, because I witnessed everything. To the time where you almost kissed to the part where you pushed him into the water. Nice timing though, but it's only going to happen again and again until it finally happens because the sexual tension is there! I can feel it!"
Louis is too gay to function, quotes from Mean Girls. Yes because I love that movie and Louis is perfect description of Damian on the classical iconic movie.
"Whatever Lou," I shrug and continue to walk. I didn't want to have this conversation here, especially with my dad in front of us only a couple metres ahead and Harry walking with Gemma and Liam a couple metres behind.

We sat in the cafe, sipping our coffee and eating some yummy scones.
"Okay, we're gonna check out the shops. You all meet us at restaurant Red at 7 o'clock sharp. Dress nice we have reservations," Anne gleams at up, before walking out with my dad.
Gemma and Harry are having a private conversation so I took some time to recognize Liam, because I haven't shuttered a word to him yet and Liam's a nice lad.
"Hey Liam," I smile kindly at the boy.
"Hey Niall, how's it going?" I seriously don't understand how he's friends with Harry? They're polar opposite.
"Great! How are you liking the trip so far?" I sipped my tea as I can spot Harry at the corner of my eye while he observes the conversation.
"It's super fun, and Louis is pretty fun roommate," Liam grins. What's the grin for? I look to Louis as he's blushing mad. I chuckle at my friend and turn back to Liam.
"Wish I could say the same," I shrugged. Liam laughs before he takes a sip of his hot mocha.
"Hey, I'm a great roommate," Harry says. Liam and I both look at him and laugh dryly. I don't want to get in it with him. It was going so fine just 2 seconds ago.
"I'm serious," he says again. I shrug, I'm really not in the mood to fight with him anymore.
"Niall your just jealous I actually like to have fun," he snorts and sips his tea.
"Harry I'm not in the mood," I stood from my seat and left the cafe in a hurry. He's really getting on my nerves these past couple days and I wonder why he's being extra sassy and rude.
When I get at least a couple feet out the door my name is being shouted by the devil himself.
"What do you want Harry?" I'm so beyond annoyed at this point, that I just wanted to go to my hotel room and sleep because fighting with Harry makes me tired and grumpy.
"I'm sorry okay Ni?" He says low and sadden.
"It's going to take a lot more than a shitty apology to make me forgive you," I laugh.
"Let me make it up to you," he begs as he inches closer towards me. I groan, I already spent yesterday with him I don't want to spend today as well.
"And how do you plan to do that?" I'm challenging him and he looked about ready to pounce on the challenge, as he had a slick smirk and he slightly bit down on his lip. Which was kind of turning me in on in way.
"I'll show you," he holds his hand out for me to take. I stood there looking at him and shifting my gaze between his face and his hand. He's looking at me nervously like he's waiting for me to actually take his hand.
What a fool, I walk by him and walk straight. I walk about a couple metre past him until I turn around to him standing there shocked by me not taking his hand or for a matter of fact to pass the opportunity to hang out with him.
"Don't be silly Harry, c'mon," I nod for him to follow the lead and the smile plastered on his face is the biggest I've seen yet.
He skips past me, and I follow him closely behind. What the fuck have I gotten myself into?

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