7 | Harry

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I've been dodging Niall all week and we're seating off to Berlin today. Our plane leaves in exactly half hour and I was sleepily resting my head on Liam's shoulder in the airport.

I wasn't sleeping but I could hear the conversation near me.

"Just fucking do something Niall, we still got three more weeks," it was Louis and obviously he was talking to Niall about something and to say I was a little bit interested in.

"I can't Louis, I'm scared." I could hear Louis scoff and the conversation is dropped. I wonder what Niall was scared of. The hickeys were still evident on his neck and mine were soon fading. They weren't there clearly but if you got at least a metre radius you could see the fucking thing on my neck.

I'm mostly surprised that my mom nor Bobby hasn't commented on them or Niall's. Well I don't think they did comment on Niall's.

I've literally been ignoring Niall all week, I haven't pranked him or bugged him or made him mad but I guess I should start again or people will notice the sudden behaviour change.

I could feel someone come sit beside me and I wondered who it was until my mom was shaking me awake.

"Harry get up, planes boarding now." I flutter my eyes open and I looked beside me as Niall sat on his phone. Why he decided to sit so close to me? I'll never know.

I stood up and we all walked to the the boarding line. The line was pretty long surprisingly, as I stood beside Liam.

I kind of felt bad for him, I've been hogging him for the past couple days and I knew he wanted so badly to hang out with Louis. Guess that's what best friends are for.


I sat beside Louis again on the plane, apparently we'll be sitting with each other for the entire trip. Which I didn't mind, because maybe we could talk about Niall and I could get him to talk.

I low keyed watched Niall and Liam talk in the isle a couple rows ahead. That's until Louis Tomlinson started to talk.

"Harry stop starring it's kind of getting hopeless." I turned towards him. How dare he say that? I was not hopeless.

"Shut up." I didn't know Louis all that well but I felt comfortable enough to tell him to shut up.

"Okay so here it is you come home drunk and suddenly you have Niall pressed up against the door your both making out and you both gave each other hickeys, and then the next day you don't try to talk to him about it and you completely ignore him the rest of the week, your selfish you lead Niall on and now he's heartbroken," Louis just kept talking and talking and all I thought about was how he said Niall was heartbroken. That means he likes me right? Or he used to.

"Harry are you even listening to me?" Louis groans. I turn towards him and nod, "No you weren't.You know I tried to talk him into going for you. You know to just let loose but he wouldn't budge, you know why?"


"Because he didn't want things to be awkward and that's exactly how your making things right now." Louis talked to much but I was kinda glad I was getting this information out of him even though he's insulting me while doing it.

"Your a coward Harry, Niall doesn't deserve someone like you," he says and that almost made me loose it on him but it was true. Niall deserved someone who can cherish him and be with just him and I'm not ready settle down anytime soon, especially with someone who I can never be with like for example my stepbrother.

"I get it Louis, I'm a horrible person," I huff out in frustration. Louis really knows how to make you feel like shit.

That's what I felt hopeless and in love with a boy that could never be mine.

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