Chapter Seven: Halloween Scare

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Beth's POV

A few weeks have been and gone and Michael has still been trying to speak to me, he's been coming to the library and to be honest I love the company. The library seems to clear when he is here, I've been playing the 'hard to get game' it's fun. We've been off for a week and I'm planning to meet Michael tonight as I have something up my sleeve for halloween and Ashton is going to help me out with everything. I see Ashton more as a best friend now. Let the fun begin!

So I woke up this morning and turn to look at my clock which reads nine in the morning. I then remembered it's Thursday, October the 31st which means it's halloween. I reach for my phone to text Ashton.

Hi Ash, you still okay to help me out with the trick? - Jonesy.

He replied 2 minutes later.

Sup Jonesy, yeah, come to yours for 7pm, yeah? - Ash

Yep, can't wait, this is going to be a right laugh - Jonesy.

It will, see you later - Ash

Ashton is only helping me out with the outfit as he has bought the the suit for me. It's such a shame I'm not going to be able to record this. Time to text Michael now though.

Hi, meet me at the empty cabin in the woods at 8pm tonight ;) - Tiger

Hello Tiger, Okay, I'll see you then :) - M.C

Oh and text me once you've left your house - Tiger

Sure, tiger x - M.C

A kiss again.

Thanks see you later bad boy, oh and thought I'd just say good girls are bad girls that haven't been caught ;) x - Tiger.

Later Tiger, I'll be catching you xx - M.C.

Michael's POV

I woke up to my phone going off at first I thought it was my alarm but, it was All Time Low - That girl  blaring out of my phone and I then knew it's Beth. I picked my phone up, a message asking me to meet her in the empty cabin in the woods. What I found a bit strange is the fact she wants to know when I leave my house. Weird.

I could smell some nice food, Calum must be cooking breakfast. I chucked my covers off me and got my Jack Daniels shirt and slung it over my head and saw some jeans on the floor and just slid them one. As I walked into the kitchen, I saw Calum cooking eggs and the two plates on the side had bacon, sausages, some bread and then Calum put the eggs on the plates.

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