Chapter Eight: A month to go

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*Authors note*

I am sorry about not updating in awhile, I've had things to sort out, I will try to update more again!! Sorry again. I hope that you're enjoying the story so fa

Twitter: Bethj_97

Insta: Bethlaurenj97

Beths POV

It's Monday now and I haven't seen Michael since the kiss on halloween, he hasn't even messaged me. I woke up the morning after Halloween to a message off Ashton asking how the night went. I've been spending a lot of time with Ashton this weekend though and Cam keeps telling me that, he and I would make a great couple but, she doesn't know about 'the kiss' with Michael.

I walked to school today. As I got to the gates Ashton was waiting for me.

"Hey Ash!" I smiled and waved.

"Hey Jonesy!" He replied.

We walked to my locker and as I got what I needed Ashton had a worried look on his face.

"What's wrong? There has been something wrong since Halloween." Ashton asked.

"Nothing" I shrugged.

"Its not nothing though, tell me." He demanded.

"Well.... Michaelmayhavekissedmeonhalloweenbuthasntspokentomesince" I replied so fast I forgot to breathe.

"He did what?" Ashton looked angry but, looked as though he was hurt. "I'm gonna go and get my stuff, see you at lunch" and he rushed off.

Ashtons POV

After Beth told me that she and Michael kissed, I had to leave. It made me angry that Michael hasn't spoken to her since, who does that? He kissed her, my heart sank as soon as she told me. I don't know why. She's my best friend and that's it, right?

I got my stuff out of my locker and I'm heading for class but, as I turn around I see Michael with Calum stood outside there classroom. There is something different about Michael, but, I don't know what. Suddenly, he seems to be zoned out, I followed his  gaze and there stood Beth. She looked lost and confused. She then looked at me and I walked over to her.

"Are you ok?" I asked out of concern. She nodded but, her eyes started to water.

"He just looked blank at me." She said shakily, I pulled her in for a hug and saw Nicky and Luke walking over, but, they went straight to class.

"He might have a good reason to not texting, go talk to him." I suggested.

"Yeah, I will I sit by him in class." She replied. I smiled and we went to our classes.

Michael POV

"What is he playing at?" I thought with anger.

"Mate, what happened between you and her? You jealous?" Calum asked, I didn't realise I thought out loud. Why was Ashton hugging her, I've missed her since the kiss.

"I'll speak to you after class Cal." I stated. He nodded. I could see Beth making her way over to me well, to class so, I turned around and made my way to my seat. She sat next to me as usual apart from in Chemistry.

I keep looking at her, she seems upset. I should see what's wrong with her. She seems to have that Ashton for that though.

"What's wrong?" I turned to her. She looked at me raised one eyebrow and went back to her work. Well, its me that's done wrong then.

Beths POV

He asked me what's wrong, is he being serious, maybe he was busy or something. I should see why he didn't.

"Michael?" I asked. He turned and looked at me.

"Yeah?" He replied.

"Why did you kiss me and then not speak to me until today?" I asked nervously.

"Well... Erm... I was having a Xbox weekend with Cal, I beat him in every game. So I had my phone off." He laughed.

"Where was my invite?" I chuckled.

"You like video games?" His smile grew.

"mhmmm I do." I replied.

"I'll have to play you sometime then" He winked at me.

This feels better, I love having a laugh with him. He makes me feel better about myself.

Cam's POV

I've been spending a lot of time with Luke but, he just sees me as a friend still I think. I haven't seen Beth in awhile, we've just been texting. I think there is something she isn't telling me. Plus, she has gotten pretty close to Ashton but, she insists they are just best friends. She is still hung up on Michael. I need to speak to her after class.


"Beth?" I stopped her to talk. She turned and smiled.

"Yeah" She said.

"What's your plan for christmas?" It has really been bugging me.

She tapped her nose "Ahhhh! You'll have to wait and see, there is only a month to go" I rolled my eyes. I guess I am going to have to wait.

"What about the plan for you and Michael?" I asked as she blushed.

"Did I hear my name?" Michael came out of no where, Beth's eyes widened and her face went a brighter shade of red.

" course not.... I said nothing" Beth stuttered and looked down.

"Haa, okay tiger speak later" He walked off with his side to side walk.

"And you'll have to wait and see until that plan to." She smiled. Argh!! Why the wait.

Beths POV

The plan for christmas, Ashton knows abit about my plan for Cam. I over heard Calum talking about a christmas party at his and Michael's and Cam, Luke, Ashton and I are going to be going to that party. Can't wait. Let's hope my plans work...

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