Chapter Twenty-One: Play Nice Now

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Renee's POV

Cal got something out of the pocket of the jacket of his that I am wearing. I heard a jingle noise. He's being really nervous, my eyes started to water and I couldn't help but smile.

"Would you like to..." He paused, as his adams apple bobbed up then down. He chuckle nervously. Just ask me, I know what it is.

"Would I like to?" I smiled.

"Would you like to move in with me here, in this very appartment, I mean you don't have to, I'd love it if you did." He rushed his words out, whilst swaying the keyring on his finger.

"Of course I would" I grabbed the key, which had a little keyring attached to it saying kitten in a sparkly purple. I then pounced onto him and brought him into a tight hug. I don't think I can say anything, I'm just... You know... Just... Happy.

"I'm so glad you said yes" he breathed.

"Obviously I'd say yes, I love the idea, how do you make me love you this way?" I spilled, not realising, I may have gone a tad too far saying I love him, I mean I do but, what's he going to say?

"I'm so glad you said that too because guess what pumpkin?" He smirked.

"What?" I raised an eyebrow.

"I love you too" He chuckled. We ended up watching movies and lay on the sofa. I have to tell everyone everything tomorrow. My eyes began to shut.

"Welcome to your new home kitten" Cal whispered. I chuckled and got myself comfy into his chest and the warmth of his body radiating against mine. Could lay here forever. I fell asleep half way through the movie.

Luke's POV

My mum is helping me pack my things ready for my move into Beth's house. I'm gonna be sharing a room with Cam. To say I'm nervous would be an understatment but I have a feeling this is gonna be fun. The only thing that bothers me is that I'll be living with Michael. I sighed.

I put my last beanie into the last box and I'm ready to go. My mum hired a little van for my stuff and drove me to my new home. I got out and knocked on the door, I mean I'm gonna need help. I know Cam moved her things last night.

Cam came out to help and I saw Michael walk over to help with the heavy stuff, I think Beth must've said something. As soon as everything was in the house, my mum sat in the lounge for a bit, with Michael and Beth who was feet up, resting her leg which had a blanket over it, whilst Cam helped me unpack my stuff into our room.

After unpacking everything, we went downstairs, and saw my mum with tears coming to her eyes. I wrapped her into a tight hug.

"Whats wrong?" I asked.

"Nothing, its just my baby's all grown up" She said squeezing my cheeks. I felt my face heat up, embarassing.

"I'll be okay" I reassured her.

"I know, just promise you will come see us?" She asked.

"Of course, I'm only a couple of streets away mum." I smiled.

"The rest of you are welcome to aswell." She offered.

"Thanks" they said together. My mum smiled.

"Oh and Beth darling, how are you holding up? I heard about what happened" My mum asked.

"Yeah, I'm okay, I've got to go back next week to get my stitches removed, I'm good now though, I have company" She giggled.

"Thats good to hear sweetie, right guys I'm off home, see you soon my babyboy" My mum hugged me and then left. This is where it all begins.

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