Chapter Five: Didn't expect to see you here!

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Luke's POV

Woke up, Saturday morning. Time for the gym, I better get there before Calum does, he doesn't know I go. To be honest it's only my family that knows I go.

I got out of bed and made my way to the shower and got into the luke warm water. Ha, Luke. Anyway, I scrubbed the shower gel all over my body. I got out of the shower and dried myself with the warm white towel that was waiting for me on the radiator. I grabbed the clothes I wear for gym and slung them on, my white t-shirt, black shorts and nike blue trainers. I grabbed my gym bag with my spare clothes for after and walked to the gym.

I walked upto the door and pushed it open. Went to a locker and put my stuff in and locked it. First of all I went on the treadmill for 10 minutes. When I turned to get off I saw him, oh no he's early. He turned around and saw me and so I legged it to the changing room and locked the door to the stall I'm in behind me.

Calum's POV

What the? Did I just see right? Luke Hemmings as in school's boy nerd goes to the gym. Why have I never seen him here before. I walked into the changing room as that's where he ran off to and it wasn't hard to find him as there was only one stall locked.

"Didn't expect to see you here, Does Lukey boy work out?" I asked intimadatingly.

"So?" He replied.

"Getting an attitude now Lukey?" I laughed.

"What!" I heard a latch click, Luke opened the stall door. I looked at him and smirked.

"Can...can I just leave, I -I won't return" Was he really that scared of me, I feel kind of bad.

"Look sorry dude, stay." He looked shocked.

"Really?" He was asking my permission to stay.

"Yes, and look sorry about, you know... everything." I apologised.

"It's fine, I'm over it, where's Michael anyway? Doesn't he usually come with you?" He asked.

"Ha. You're kidding right, he occasionally comes to the gym." I laughed with him. This kid is alright.

"Oh and Luke, don't tell Michael about this, yeah?" He nodded.

After that Luke said he had to be home anyway and rushed off. I finished working out and went home on my baby, my beauty, my bike. She's a beautiful motorbike named Katy, after Katy Perry. Don't judge, I have a huge crush on her. So, I drove home.

Camilla's POV

I've only just woken up looked at my clock. OH MY GOSH! Its 12 o clock, I have an hour to get ready and be at Beth's. I made my way to the shower and got ready. I quickly texted Beth.

Hey, running a little late, sorry, be there soon xx - C

Within seconds my phone buzzed

Hi, okayy :) xx - B

I then went to get breakfast and I will be on my way after that.

Beth's POV

I got up at 10 this morning, Saturday lie ins are the best. I went downstairs after putting a hoodie and sweatpants on to get some toast. My brother and sister live in there own apartments and my parents are out a lot. I went to the fridge for some butter and saw a note on the door.

'Hey darling

Going to London for a week, we trust you not do anything crazy. Your brother and sister will be checking up on you every once in awhile. Behave

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