Remember Me

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Athazagoraphobia- The fear of being forgotten

[ NOTE: OKAY, in the one shot the reader and Kyoya are in a relationship. I failed to mention and people are getting confused. BASICALLY, the reader and Kyoya are dating, and he gets into an accident in which he forgets he's dating the reader (YOU). And so when I said, "if Kyoya could managed to forget his girlfriend of two years, he surely forgot them too. "  I am referring to him losing his memory.]

"So, y/n, what's your biggest fear?" asked Hikaru.

Tamaki recently planned a trip for the host club to go on, this time it was a trip to another private resort. Everyone was now sitting in a circle on the floor, Hikaru had came up with the idea to share secrets with each other. At first it seemed like a childish thing to do, however, over the ten minutes everyone had been sharing secrets things became more interesting.

"My biggest fear?" you question raising an eyebrow.

Every member of the host club had nodded their heads, you shrugged and cleared your throat. Your fear wasn't like Haruhi's being scared of lighting and thunder or the twins' fear of being apart from one another. No, your fear was being forgotten, also known as athazagoraphobia.

"It might sound childish and selfish of me, but being forgotten. I know that sounds cliché, but the idea of your loved one forgetting you, it frightens me." you stated.

"y/n! Daddy will never forget you!" Tamaki cried as he pulled you into a bone crushing hug.

You couldn't help but feel your heart weep a little, despite having no reason for it too, you just could feel it break. Moments after the hug, Tamaki finally decided to let go of you. You gave the blonde haired boy a small smile.

"I know, I'm just stating how it makes me feel really." you said.

"Shall we call it a day of the game and get ready for bed?" Kyoya questioned as he looked around at his fellow members. Everyone nodded in agreement, "I guess it's a night! Off to bed!" Tamaki proclaimed. Everyone exchanged their good nights to one another shortly after, everyone went their separate ways. 

It was later on in the night, you had gotten up for a small midnight snack, you hummed as you exited your room as you proceeded to make way down the hall. As you walked, you had seemed to notice Kyoya walking as well. A small smile appeared on your face.

"Kyoya Senpai." you called out.

The raven-haired boy turned and looked at you, "Oh, hello, y/n. I see you're up still." he said with a small smile. You felt your face heat up, Kyoya motioned for you to walk with him to the kitchen.

"Yeah, I just wanted to get a small midnight snack before heading back to bed." you answered him.

His hummed in acknowledgment as you both had continued to walk. The silence was killing the memorable moment between the two of you. Kyoya cleared his throat to ease the tension.

"Say, y/n, you're a wonderful, beautiful, and smart person, that's why I love you. I can assure you, it'll be impossible to forget you. You're simply a person one can't forget, there's no need to fear being forgotten." he said.

You could feel your stomach doing internal flips. You couldn't help but fill with glee, who knew a simple 'I love you', could effect you so much. The words he feared to say for the past two years. Your heart filled with joy. Your face wore toothy grin, "Thank you. Oh and Kyoya? I love you too. " you replied.

A small smile crept onto his face, he pushed his glasses further up his nose as he continued to led you to the kitchen entrance. "Ladies first." he added.

♡ Ouran x Reader; One Shots ♡Where stories live. Discover now