Chapter 24

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(Cyanide's P.o.V)

I stumbled as I was thrown at Chris and Kaili. Chris caught me and held me upright.
"Next time your friends won't save you, and when I do get my hands in you I will kill you."
Valerie hissed before morphing and running off as a wolf.
I laughed.
"That's right you better run!"
I said taking a step forward, I fell to my knees and took a few deep breaths. Chris extended a hand to me and pulled me to me feet.
"Come on, let's go get you patched up."
He put my arm over his shoulder, for support, and helped me inside.
(Time skip thanks to waffles)
I sat silently while Kaili finished wrapping a bandage around my head.
"So do you wanna talk about what happened?"
Chris asked as he offered me a cup of coco bean coffee. I took a sip and sighed.
"In all honesty, I'd rather not talk about it, but right now we need to be carful. We've seen first hand these people are dangerous and they are capable of killing."
"Yea, we need to put a stop to then before the do something."
Chris said agreeing with me. Kaili just sat quietly and looked out the window. It wasn't like her to be this quiet, Chris must have followed my gaze.
"Kaili, what's wrong?"
Chris said, she ignored him. He reached over and snapped his fingers in her ears.
She snapped out of her daze and smiled.
"What's wrong?"
She hesitated and then looked out the window.
"I have to show you guys something..."
I was gonna ask if it could wait, but by the look on her face it was something we'd need to see immediately.
(Another time skip, thanks to pancakes)
"It's just over this hill, over there, see?"
She pointed to a cave entrance. I saw a truck had gotten stuck in a pit of mud just near its entrance and looked Kaili.
"What is this place?"
She ignores my question and started into the cave. Several bright torches lined the walls and she grabbed one and went farther into the darkness.
"I found this a weeks ago when I went hunting for supplies."
As we descended, I realized it had gotten extremely cold and pulled up the hood of my jacket. She stopped and held up the torch so she could see us.
"I was gonna tell you guys about this, but I was wanting to wait and figure it out on my own."
She held the torch closer to the cave wall and I saw what she was talking about. Images after images were engraved into the stone.
"It tells a story."
Kaili started as she traced her hands over an engraving.
"It's starts off with 3 people, two brothers, one pure and the other consumed by darkness, and a girl, a princess of a warrior tribe."
She moved further down the cave and we followed until she stopped at the next picture.
"This one talks of a war between the brothers. The girl sides with the pure one and helps seal the other brother away in a tomb."
I stare at the pictures. The people look so familiar, but I don't know how. These things have to been thousands of years old. Chris crept closer to the drawings and examine them closely.
"Hey, what's that over there?"
Chris said pointing to a painting that I could barely see in the dark. Kaili brought the light over to it, I now saw what it was. It was a picture of a machine, it had a clock on it and seems to have a aura around it.  Kaili ran her fingers over an engraving and tilted her head.
"It's an ancient machine that these people worshiped. It was said it had mysterious powers so that only a chosen few could activate it."
"Does it say what it does?"
I asked rather curiously. She read over the markings and sighed.
"Nope nothing."
Chris looked over the painting and tilted his head.
"Did anyone notice that there's two hollowed out holes on each side of this picture?"
He pointed out the holes and they were shaped into the forms of curved swords.
"Hey, doesn't Valerie and Carflo have curved swords?"
Kaili looked at the other pictures and then back at us.
"Guys, I think they're a lot older than we think they are."
I then realized why the pictures looked familia, they were of Valerie and Carflo...
Hey guys, how's it going? Sorry I haven't been updating. I've just had stuff going on and it's complicated but I'll try and update so just don't be mad if I take forever to post another chapter.

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