Chapter 4: "Jack's Pancake House"

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Chapter 4: "Jack's Pancake House"

After about a 20 minute drive, we eventually reached a small diner. We pulled over and Mads put the car in park.

"So, do you think that it's worth it?" he turned and asked bluntly.

"Do I think that what is worth it?" I was completely oblivious to what he was asking.

"The Diner, darling." he squinted and looked closely at the diner's sign as if he had never seen it before. "Jack's Pancake House. You do like pancakes, don't you?"

"Of course I do."

"Well then, let's give it a try!"

We walked into the nearly empty restaurant and an elderly woman, seemingly much too old to work, showed us to our table. She began to hand us menus, but Mads stopped her before she could get the chance to finish.

"That's quite alright, dear. We've already decided on what we would like."

We did?

"We'll each have a stack of pancakes with eggs and bacon. Along with two coffees, one for myself and one for the beautiful lady."

Once the word "beautiful" had ran out of his perfect mouth, I began to melt. I looked away and covered my mouth to hide the immense smile that had struck my face. The sweet elderly woman nodded and walked off.

Wait. Wait a moment. He ordered bacon. He ordered bacon and I've been a vegetarian for the past five years.

I needed to say something. If not then, he'd look at me strangely once I had finished eating and the bacon was left untouched.

Shit. I can't hurt his feelings.

"Um... Mads. I appreciate the effort, but I'm sort of a ... a.... vegetarian. So, I won't be able to eat the bacon." I wished that I could've found a way to put it more softly. Hell, I wished that I didn't have to say it at all.

His face turned bright red and his voice carried a deep sincerity. "I... I am so sorry. I should have asked beforehand instead of assuming and trying to be spontaneous."

Oh wow. I have really hit the jackpot on this one. I'm such an ass.

"Oh no, please don't be. I love spontaneity! You couldn't have known that I was a vegetarian."

Mads pursed his lips and chuckled a bit. "Well, now we know that I will need to become accustomed to eating two servings of bacon in the future."

What could have meant by "the future"? "The future" as in, a few minutes from now? Or "the future" as in, we will be having breakfast together more often? Everything that he said was so perfect, yet I would end up confused when it came to what he truly meant.

Soon enough, our food was delivered to us and looking more delicious than ever. I was starving, but I could not stuff my face with Mads sitting right across from me.

Mads looked down at the food, and then to me. "Promise me something." He paused for a couple of seconds while I nodded. "Promise me that you will not eat like a bird and make me look like I am stuffing my face?"


I nodded once again, "I promise."

As we ate, Mads continuously asked me questions about myself. It was almost as if he had wanted to take the attention away from his life and place it entirely onto mine. I talked briefly about my family and my plans for the future as he listened attentively. No one had ever been as interested in my life as he was in that moment.

Once we had gotten into the car to leave, we realized that we had been gone for hours. Apparently, time flies when you are in good company.

"Goodness! 2pm? We truly have lost track of time." Mads looked bellow at his watch in shock.

"Yet, not a single moment wasted." he continued on with a cunning grin.

Holding back my body's desire to blush, I could only imagine how irate Arnie would be once we'd returned.

"Perhaps we should get going then? Arnie will be upset."

"Most likely, yes. But if the day is shot already, we might as well make the most of it."

"Make the most of it?"

Here comes another one of his infamous smolders...

"Do you trust me, Elise?"

I would trust you with every fiber of my being.


He revved the engine. "Good. Now hold on."

The car bolted while the adrenaline in my body reached its maximum. Where could we be going? What did he know that I didn't? Why did I feel so weak around him? I didn't know what was going on or why it was happening to me of all people, but I did know one thing for certain... I liked it.

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