Chapter 17: "An Everlasting Evening"

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Chapter 17: "An Everlasting Evening"

Mads practically broke the door down with his foot, continuing to consume every part of my pre-exposed body, as he swept me off my feet and rushed into the room.

"Mads.... Mads wait a moment..." I managed through my rugged breaths.

Mads put me down, using all extents of his power to contain himself from attacking my body, which caused him to shake frantically.. like an addict in need of their next hit.

Oh no Elise, don't you fucking dare.

"Are you sure that we should do this? What about all that happened last night, in your home? You stopped yourself, Mads. You weren't in your right state of mind."

Motherfucker, Elise! I warned you! I fucking warned you! Great... There go your chances.. Right out the fucking window with the rest of your sanity.

"Exactly, Elise. I wasn't in my right state of mind. I was scared... scared that if I fell in love with you, I would only be bringing my hurt into your life. Except, little did I know, my falling in love with you was inevitable; and my ignorance caused you the same pain that I was trying to protect you from. I thought that I could control what I felt... But, with you, I am powerless. I'm sorry that I have played with your emotions for so long, Elise, I pray that you can forgive me for that. Looking back on it, if I had truly been in my right state of mind that night... I would have fucked you the moment that you stepped foot in my house."

My lips quivered, processing Mads' words.. Especially the extent to which he used the word "fucked".

"Elise... My beautiful beautiful girl... Wise beyond your years.." He snuck his devilish lips onto the back of my neck.. beginning to trace his fingers along the back-zipper of my dress. "The things I could do to you, if you would only allow me the privilege of undressing you..."

"Mmmads!" I flicked my head back and pulled on the sleeves of his jacket, helping him to take it off, while feeling my knees grow more and more weak with each slip of his lustful tongue against the rim of my spine.

His dominant hand cuffed the lacy lining of my panties... rubbing me back and forth. "If you would only allow me the undeniable pleasure of touching you....." He rubbed me faster, causing me to grow abundantly wet. "...exploring you...."

Lifting my dress, he made me squeal as his shoved two fingers harshly inside of me. Then, as he pulled out, he brought his damp fingers to his mouth.. forcing them down his throat. "..Mmmm... tasting you.."

His torturous touch drove my body mad! As my vulnerability emerged, I couldn't help myself from barking orders while tearing away his vest and tie. "Fuck Mads! I want you! I want you soooo bad! Hurry up and unzip me!!! Do it now!"

He smiled and answered formally, "With pleasure, my darling."

He took his time unzipping me.. flowing his hands like droplets of water down the curves of my back, and let my custom-made, Valentino dress fall to the floor.

Mads stood in front of me, keeping his hands at the corners of my hips, as the exposure of my bare breasts became evident to him. Beads of sweat slipped down his brow; he took a large gulp of air and stuttered. "I.. Uh.. I-I th-think that we should take this in-into the bedroom."

I nodded seductively and wrapped my legs around his waist. While taking me into the bedroom, the massive erection in his pants became even more apparent... brushing against the bottom of my upper thigh, and sneaking it's way up further with each step. He planted his lips back onto mine as I tried to unbutton his white dress-shirt, nearly ripping it in half while tearing it away from his torso.

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