Chapter 7: "His Place"

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Chapter 7: "His Place"

So much had happened in such a short period of time. Nearly a week had gone by since Mads had expressed his feelings for me; and as did I for him. That day had consistently replayed within my mind and I could no longer look him in the eyes without those lustful intentions screaming in the back of my head.

I had wanted to kiss him. I had wanted to kiss him until my lips were chapped I could no longer breathe. Our conversations since that day had become strictly professional. Everyday throughout the week had the same routine; Mads would pick me up in the morning, we would grab a short bite to eat, go and work with Arnie at the studio, and then Mads would drive me back to my apartment. It was almost like we both felt the need to avoid the subject of what had happened between us entirely. In which case, Mads had seemed like a completely different person than the man who I had first met.

Just as all had appeared to be lost between us, Mads called me around 9 o'clock on Saturday night of that week.

"Hello?" I answered, not knowing at first who had called.

"Elise?" Mads' voice asked in a worried tone.

"Mads? How did you get my number?"

Wow, that sounded extremely rude.

"My assistant found it for me. I'm so sorry, is it a bad time?" he asked.

Yep, I certainly came off as a bitch.

"Oh no no no! I was just tidying things around my apartment. Please, is everything alright?"

"Honestly, I don't feel that it is. Elise...." He paused for a moment and took a long, deep breath. "I feel like I need to speak with you personally. May I come by and pick you up? Is the hour too late for you?"

"Of course you can, it's not too late at all." I answered as though it wasn't a big deal. Yet, my mind went crazy once more thinking about why Mads would want to speak with me, personally, on a Saturday night... especially after such an awkward week.

"I'm so glad. I'm already out and driving, so I should be by within the next 15 to 20 minutes."

"Great, I'll be waiting."

I changed into more applicable clothing, I figured bunny slippers and polkadot pajama shorts weren't appropriate for the occasion, then went to wait outside. Mads drove up at about 9:19pm and quickly opened the passenger door for me from the inside. As I got in, he greeted me with a short "Hello." along with a forced smile, and then began to drive away hurriedly.

After nearly 10 minutes of an awkward silence, I felt the need to break it.

"So... Where are we going?"

"To my place." he answered simply, eyes glossy on the road.

HIS place!? Why are we going to HIS place!?

"Oh." I returned his simplicity.

Before long, we reached a gated facility FILLED with million dollar estates. As Mads drove through the gates, I wondered which beautiful home belonged to him and began to marvel at the originality of each one, wondering which famous people lived there.

"Here we are." Mads drove into the driveway of his near 6,000 square-foot home.

Compared to every other house, Mads' certainly was the most stunningly unique. The exterior was made almost entirely out of glass and it's shape was of a specific symmetrical perfection. As we got out of the car, I left my mouth wide-open in utter awe.

"Come on, Elise." Mads snapped me out of my daze as I followed him inside.

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