Chapter 13: "The Blindfold"

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Chapter 13: "The Blindfold"

"I know where you are taking me, I don't need this stupid blindfold." I lied, I just didn't want to wear the blindfold for any longer. It had been on ever since we'd left Mads' house.

"Oh really? Well by all means, Elise... If you can figure out where we are going then I will take your blindfold off." Mads replied arrogantly.

Come on Elise! Think...

"Well, we are on a plane and I know that we are leaving the country."

"Yes... You are right about that."

"Umm... Are we going to France?"

"No. Guess again." He laughed, finding pleasure in knowing what I didn't.

"Shit. Uhh... England.. Ireland... Germany... Russia... Chi-"

"Christ Elise! You can't go on naming every country."

"You told me that if I guessed correctly, you would take my blindfold off."

He breathed heavily, "Yes I did. You know, you make it very difficult to surprise you. You're too persistent about your awareness of everything. Alright then, keep guessing."

I continued listing, "China... Spain... Ca- wait." I stopped myself. How could I have been so oblivious?


"Hmm... Certainly took you long enough." He got up and began to untie the tight knot holding the blindfold around my face.

"So, why are we going to Denmark?" I asked.

Geez. He was right. I truly am overly persistent.

He finished taking the blindfold off and brushed my hair back. "Nope. Denmark is the only clue that you get for now."

"Fine." I huffed and carefully rubbed my eyes to clarify my surroundings. "Wow! Do you own this plane?"

"Yes, but I usually refer to it as a jet, given its size." He grinned.

A loud voice suddenly spoke throughout the entire area. "Mr. Mikkelsen, we've nearly arrived. I'd expect we'd only be but 10 minutes longer."

Mads pressed a button next to a highly sophisticated speaker set on the side of his chair. "Excellent! We'll keep on time, then. Thank you Adams."

The loud voice spoke again, "My pleasure, sir."

"I'm assuming that Adams is your pilot?"

"Ashton Adams. Best there is." Mads winked.

I continued to pester Mads about what event we were to be attending that evening until we landed. I'm not sure why, but I felt somewhat uneasy going into a new country with complete strangers speaking a language that I could not understand. Yet, even with that uneasiness, I remained reassured that Mads would take care of me and make certain that I would not succeed in making too far a fool of myself.

A man, presumably Ashton by the sound of his voice, and the stewardess both helped us off of the plane and into the back of a black Rolls Royce that was waiting patiently for our arrival.

"Aren't you going to blindfold me again?" I asked, now missing its mysterious feel.

"Why? You've never been to Denmark, have you?"

"Well no."

"Then there is no need for it." He held my hand. "We will be stopping at our hotel first anyhow."

Hotel? The word shouldn't have surprised me as much as it did. I should have figured we'd need as much considering we were attending an evening event, but hearing the word "Hotel" sent shivers down my spine. Hotel can mean so many things... can lead to so many things... things definitely worth exploring. Yet, I was curious to know why he said "Hotel" instead of "Home".

"Hotel? Don't you have a home in Copenhagen?" My blunt questions seemed to pour out of my mouth time and time again.

Mads was quiet for a moment before answering; which made me regret my asking and wish that I were blindfolded once again, but with Duct tape over my mouth as well.

"Yes, yes I do. But things have been more or less complicated with my housing situations lately. I'm sure you can understand why?"

"Oh, of course I do. I'm so sorry, that must have sounded insanely inconsiderate."

"No, not at all. I would have been concerned if you didn't want to know. Never apologize for being curious, Elise. Your intellect intrigues me and your curiosity continuously bewilders me." He stared deeply into my eyes and licked his lips.

I adored how quickly he could change the mood of a conversation with his striking accent and unique flow of words.

My heart beat profusely and I was desperately searching for a distraction to keep myself under control. I broke the stare and looked out through the tinted windows to avoid further conversation. Luckily, it didn't take long to become distracted by the natural beauty of his country. It held so many glorious qualities that the United States didn't, along with various untold stories and memories that I'd hoped Mads would eventually come to share with me someday.

The car came to a sudden holt in front of a hotel that was far too tall to see the top of from the backseat window.

"We've arrived, sir."

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