Chapter 10: "Sleepover"

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Chapter 10: "Sleepover"

"It's getting really late. Do you have plans set for tomorrow?" Mads asked as we both released our grasps.

"Not as of this moment."

Why did he want to know about my plans?

"Excellent. I'd like to take you somewhere, to make up for my actions from this evening. Would you be willing to spend the night? I have a guest bedroom upstairs."

Oh God, he asked me to spend the night. There was no way that I was going to pass that offer up.

"Well yes, but I didn't bring anything with me."

"Do not worry, I'll take care of everything." He took my hand, "Come. Follow me."

Mads lead me upstairs and toward the guest room which was, ironically, right across from the master bedroom. His doors were completely shut and looked as though they usually remained as such. Oh, how I desired to be invited into that room with him... and oh, how I desperately wanted to know what was lying behind those doors. I wondered if his room glistened with traces of him. If the air was sweetened with his enchanting aroma. If the decor described his personality. If his favorite book was left open on his nightstand.

I thought about the types of clothes that his closet held and about the feel of their glorious texture, draped over his glowing skin. I thought about his bed; I imagined myself in it. How it would feel to be wrapped in his sheets as he held me all night long. How it would feel to be kissed passionately for hours among hours as we would eventually become lost within each other's eyes. How it would feel to make breathtaking love, my head at rest on his pillow, with his searing body rapidly thrusting into mine. How it would feel to touch hi-

"Elise?..... Elise, are you alright?" Mads waved his hand in front of my face, taking my focus away from his room and snapping me out of my complexed trance.

"Yes! Yes.. I'm alright. Sorry... I was just... Uh.. I was just thinking." I was rapidly trying to transition from fantasy back into reality.

"What about?" He raised his eyebrow.

"Ummm... I was thinking about... where you are taking me tomorrow. You never told me where we are going."

Nice save, Elise.

"Can't say. You'll just have to wait until morning." he smiled guilefully and showed me into my room.

The guest room was gloriously large and looked like something that could be found on the cover of Metropolitan Homes. Everything around me was exceedingly pristine to the point that I began to wonder if anyone had ever stepped foot inside.

"I'll be right back with something for you to wear. Please, make yourself at home." Mads left me and ran off into his own room.

I sat down on the seemingly untouched queen-sized bed, overly curious about what he would come back with. I pulled my cellphone out of my front-right pocket and saw that I had a new message from someone who I had not talked to in four months; someone very close to me.

The message read:

"Hello Elise. I realize that we haven't spoken in a long while and, honestly, that is my fault. But, our issues aside, I really need to talk to you. Things have gone on within these past few months and I need to explain myself. Please please PLEASE message me back when you get this." -Amber

Amber had been my best friend since childhood and we had stayed as such for our entire lives... until the previous four months had rolled by, when she cut herself out from my life without explanation. Naturally, I was angry and wanted nothing to do with a "friend" who would throw away a lifetime of friendship without good reason, so I didn't make any attempts to communicate with her. But after receiving such a random text message, I knew that something serious was going on in her life and she needed me desperately.

Right as I was about to reply, Mads walked in with a pair of clothes in his arms.

"Here, I brought a t-shirt and some pajama pants for you to sleep in. I hope that you don't mind that they are mine. If the bottoms are too loose, you can tighten them to fit your waist." He placed the clothes down next me.

"No, I don't mind at all. Thank you." I was overwhelmed with the fact that he gave me his clothes to wear for the night.

"Great! Now, you should be getting to sleep soon. We have a long day ahead of us tomorrow."

He lowered himself down on one knee so that our faces would be level.

"May I?" he asked while running his fingers over my forehead.

"Yes." I answered, not quite certain about what he was asking.

He slowly brought his lips to my forehead, and kissed it gently.

"Goodnight Elise." He stood up, "Dream sweetly."

"Goodnight." I said, trying not to smile, as I watched him leave the room.

My forehead tingled with the soft embrace of his lips while I looked over to see the pile of clothes that Mads had left me.... his clothes. I quickly changed and savored the feel of its fabric against my skin. Then, I got into bed, bundled myself under all of the sheets, and rested my head near my chest so that I could enjoy Mads' scent as I slept.

I took a deep breath and closed my eyes, thinking about what Mads was doing in the other room. 'Was he lying in bed thinking the same thoughts about me? Or could he have already fallen asleep without a single inkling of me in his mind?' I pondered these questions for a long while, wishing that he were by my side, until I eventually drifted off into a wonderfully deep sleep.

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