Chapter 21: "The Incident"

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Chapter 21: "The Incident"

All I remember was hearing Mads, Arnie, and Sam arguing inside of the trailer while I patiently waited outside for Mads to return. Inklings of consistent profanities rang through my ears as I paced, anxious of what I did not yet know.

"Fuck you, Arnie! Find someone else to fund your piece-of-shit production." Mads stormed out of the trailer and grabbed my wrist, pulling me close behind, as he made his way back to the car.

What the hell is going on?

Arnie and Sam weren't far behind as they chased us the entire way to the parking lot.

Mads handed me the keys. "Elise, get in the car."

"Why? Mads, what's going on?"


I had never seen him react so harshly towards me, yet I assumed that it was with good reason, so I did as I was told without question.

Even though I had barricaded myself inside of Mads' priceless Aston Martin, I could still briefly view and hear the heated conversation that took place beside the driver's door.

Mads brought his face close into Arnie's... So close in fact, that I was almost certain he was about to knock Arnie off his feet. "How fucking classic of you. Fuck Arnie, you haven't changed a bit since then, have you? Still stuck in the fucking past! And now you've brought Sam into your fucking dramatic bullshit too?! Just. Fucking. Stellar."

"I'm stuck in the past?... I'M stuck in the MOTHERFUCKING PAST?!! Take a long, hard fucking look at yourself, Mads! You're out fucking around like a God-damned teenager and you have the insolent nerve to turn the blame onto me? Grow the fuck up!" Arnie laughed and peaked through the windshield. "Why don't we tell innocent little Elise who Mads Mikkelsen really is, shall we?"

"Don't you dare fucking bring her into this!" Mads skimmed his bright-red fist against Arnie's cheek.

Arnie pushed Mads aside and began walking toward the passenger side of the car, where I was sitting in complete silence and awe of the situation. "Elise, sweetheart, why not ask Mads about why he is truly producing this film for me? Hmmm?"

Just as he was about to open the door, Mads grabbed him from behind and slugged him straight between the eyes. "I said to leave her out of this!!"

He continued to yell in Arnie's face as Sam took a knee to aid the massive blow. "You so much as look at her sideways, and I'll fucking end you!"

"Mads!" I started to scream from inside of the car. "Mads, stop it!"

Would someone PLEASE inform me of what the fuck is going on?!

With Arnie's blood on his knuckles, Mads quickly got into the car and drove off. His arms were shaking with outrageous emotion on the steering wheel as I mentally examined the remainder of his exceedingly disturbed physique. His hair was an absolute mess, carefully peaking over his newly blackened irises while his delicate lips bled from the force of his grinding fangs.

I leant over and cleaned the sweat from his cheeks with one hand and wiped away the blood from his mouth with the other. "Mads, baby, what on Earth just happened back there?"

Disregarding my question, he asked me another. "Do you think that your parents would mind if we came a week early?"

"W-what? No, they wouldn't mind at all. Why?... What's going on?"

"We are going to need to leave soon. Tonight, if possible." He licked away the remainder of the blood lingering from his lips.

"Mads, I don't unders-"

"Elise! I need you to listen very carefully and not ask questions at the moment. We don't have much time and we need to leave LA, RIGHT NOW. Please darling, I need you to be strong for me and trust that I will make everything okay again. Can you do that for me, baby girl?"

".... Y-yes, Mads."

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