Chapter 5: "No Peeking"

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Chapter 5: "No Peeking"

"Why won't you tell me where we are headed?"

"If I did, it would ruin the surprise."

We had been driving for nearly an hour and Mads just wouldn't budge. His entire persona bewildered me. I wanted to know where he was taking me, yet, at the same time, I wanted the excitement of, for once in my life, not knowing what was going to happen next.

I've always wanted to embrace the joyous moment of being happily surprised. As a child, my mother could never surprise me. Although her efforts were greatly appreciated, I would always manage to figure out her scheme; As I would anyone else who had ever tried to surprise me in the past. But, Mads was different. I could not read Mads as I could so many others; he had no tell. Every word that he had ever spoken to me could have been one giant lie and I would have never guessed otherwise.

"Alright Elise, from here on, I'm going to have to ask you to close your eyes. And you must not open them until I say to."

"Seriously?" I asked sarcastically.

"Yes Elise, seriously. You said that you trusted me, remember? I need you to keep to that trust and close your eyes. No peeking."

"Ugh... Alright. They're closed."

"Thank you."

It is astonishing how strong your other four senses become once you can no longer use your sight to your advantage. As we drove, I could hear the constant roar of the Aston Martin and the silent breaths of excitement from Mads. I took even deeper breaths to enjoy the aroma of the vehicle's fresh leather interior mixed with Mads' mesmerizing aftershave. Meanwhile, my hands laid in my lap, aching to touch Mads', while I bit my lips to hide their devious temptation.

"Worry not, my dear. We are nearly there."

I enjoyed the vibrations that his reassuring lips gave the air.

I felt my body beginning to slant backwards as the car elevated slowly until we eventually reached a complete stop.

Where has he taken me?

"We're here, but I need you to keep your eyes closed."

He got out of the car, went around to my side, and opened up the door. He reached his entire body over mine and undid my seatbelt; the warmth drove my body insane. Then, he put his hand on my shoulder and slid his fingers down my entire arm. Once he had reached my hand, he brought his lips to my fingertips and kissed them gently.

"Come." he whispered.

Oh, I'm going to.

He took my hands into his and escorted me outside. I could feel light gusts of wind breezing throughout the loose strands of my hair and the soft embrace of the sun beaming its light onto my skin.

Mads guided my steps for a few minutes until he told me not to walk any further.

He moved behind me and murmured into my ear, "Now, Elise... open..."

My eager eyes snapped open to a sight more mesmerizing than life itself. We were on a mountain, all alone, with the best view of the city. Although I had no words to describe my amazement, I managed to let out one or two.

"Wow. Just...... Wow.." I stood there, blankly, in awe.

"Beautiful isn't it?" he smiled.

"Yes. So beautiful."

He stood quietly for a few moments.

"Yet, none of it compares to you, Elise."

I could have sworn that my heart had stopped when he spoke to me those unimaginable words. I didn't want to believe it. It wasn't real. I HAD to be dreaming. Did I hear him correctly? Was this yet another figment of my abnormal imagination?

We stared at one another blankly for a long time. Mads put his hand on my cheek and smoothly ran his thumb back and forth under my cheekbone, fascinated with its structure.

"You must think me insane, but I have truly never seen such a breathtakingly captivating young- woman such as yourself. So angelic. So delicate. So radiantly refined."

He began to run his fingers through the wind-blown strands of my hair and tucked them behind my ears, one-by-one.

"I cannot even begin to describe how much I would like to taste your innocent lips."

He put his face near centimeters away from mine; I could feel the heat of his quick breaths brushing across my bright red cheeks.

Take me. Take me now.

He pulled his face away and left his hands lingering under my jaw bone.

He shook his head, "But, I can't."

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