Chapter 24: "Seal of Approval"

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Chapter 24: "Seal of Approval"

"Would you pass me the juice, Phil?" My mother pried any bit of communication that she could get out of my father; he had remained silent all morning.

"Mhmm." He mumbled back while passing the pitcher of orange juice across the table.

The morning's seating arrangement was assessed to my father's liking. He sat by me, and Mads sat by my mother; leaving Mads and I at a diagonal angle from each other, and my father directly facing him. The arrangement was certainly not ideal.

At any other instance or occasion I wouldn't care who was sitting where, but I knew my father and the mind-games that came with his voluntary silence. He had acted in a such a childish manner numerous times before and, on most accounts, proved successful in his endeavors. Therefore, achieving whatever fucked-up sociological justice he'd felt the need to achieve through his outrageously fucked-up reasoning. Yet, what was truly upsetting was the fact that he had been allowed to act like a 2 year old throwing a tantrum for so long. No one had ever stepped up to the plate and broken him of his habits, not even my mother. Perhaps, when they'd first met, she thought that it was a phase he'd eventually grow out of. Or, perhaps she just didn't care to sink down to his level of twisted reason; I know I never did. Nevertheless, whatever justice he was seeking by acting like a complete asshole in front of Mads, the man that I loved greatly, it would not be tolerated any longer.

"Dad, may I speak with you outside for a moment?" I asked sternly, hoping that I was not crossing any boundaries of disrespect.

He widened his eyes, shocked at my tone. "Uh, sure."

"Excuse us." I added calmly to Mads and my mother as I got up and followed my father out the front door.

Although Spring had been sprung, the crisp air was far more chilling than that of sunny Los Angeles. I wrapped my arms around my shivering biceps; I hadn't yet dressed to take on the outside weather of New York. All I had to keep me warm was the light knit throw I wore over my tank-top and the black canvas shoes that were tripping over the ends of my favorite flare jeans.

"You're freezing, Elise!" My dad turned back toward the door. "Here, let's go inside and get you a jacket."

"No. No, Dad, I'm fine. We need to talk."

"Okay?..." He laughed. "What is it?"

"Dad, please don't play stupid.. at least not with me. You know very well what it is we need to talk about."

He rolled his eyes. "Oh God, is this about Mads?"

"Yes!" I barked. "You know damn well this is about Mads! Why are you being such an ass?! What fucking grudge do you have against him?!"

"Hey! Watch your tongue, young lady."

I took a deep breath and calmly continued. "Dad... Why can't you give him a chance? Can't you show him just an inkling of respect and kindness? Please, for me? You'll learn that he is truly an extraordinary gentleman who cares for me deeply and sincerely. I understand that he is not necessarily the ideal man that you had in mind for me; he's a bit older and has a funny accent, but he loves me. He loves me, Dad, and I love him. I love him more than I can possibly express with words! He treats me infinitely better than anyone ever has, Dad. He makes me feel so wonderful about myself, like I'm this rare flower of beauty and perfection that can only blossom under the tenderness of his love. To him, I'm his entire world... and he is mine. Dad, I realize that it all seems a little unorthodox and strange, but that's what love is! Love is crazy and weird and it doesn't make much sense to anyone... But love is love, and it sees past every worldly imperfection, big or small, that you may see in him. I love him, Dad. I love him to the moon and back. And nothing that you say or do is going to change that."

My father remained silent for a long period of time, processing the intense monologue I had just bestowed upon him.

Oh God, what masterfully malicious plan is he conjuring up now?

"You're absolutely right." He finally spoke. "Honey, I am SO sorry for the way I've been acting. If what you say is true... if Mads truly cares for you like you say he does, I'd be more than willing to give him a chance. A man as genuine as the man you've just expressed to me definitely deserves my upmost respect."

I instantly wrapped my arms around him, crazed that I had finally gained his acceptance. "Oh, thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you so SO much!!"

"Calm down, calm down.." He laughed. "Let's get back inside and finish our breakfast. Perhaps we can all go out for a walk in the park later on?"

"That sounds absolutely wonderful." My smile spread from ear-to-ear with immense joy.


"Are you sure that you can't come along with us?" My father asked as Mads called for a cab.

"Yes, I'm so terribly sorry, but there's some urgent business I need to take care of while I'm in town. I'll catch up with you all later on tonight."

I wasn't aware, specifically, of what urgent business Mads needed to attend to in town, but I had a strong inference that it had something to do with the incident that had occurred back in LA. While my curiosity grew avidly each day, I knew that I could not afford to allow it to gain control over me.

He kissed my forehead before entering the backseat of the cab. "Text me throughout the day and let me know how you're doing, okay?"

"I will." I smiled, wanting desperately to tag along and receive answers to my endless questions.

"See you soon!" My mother waved off to him as the cab drove away.

My father wrapped his arm over my shoulder as we started to walk down the sidewalk. "So, where's he headed, Elise?"

"I honestly don't know. Something to do with the production most likely."

"Ah." He breathed simply, in no way convinced of my reasoning. "Hopefully he'll be back in time for dinner."

"Yeah... Hopefully."

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