The final countdown

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💖Lola's POV 💖

For a second after the second shot, I feel paralysed. Unable to move.

"Lola, please, we have to go." And he tries to drag me away but I stay still.

"They were one of my kids Alex. I said goodbye to them all less than 10 minutes ago and now I'm not going to see one of them on Monday because they were just killed."

"I know and I'm sorry but unless you want to be shot too, we have to go."

I start to run with him but then I stop again and leg go of his hand.

"It takes 20 minutes to get here, 15 if you run.. How did you know that you needed to come and get me 15 minutes ago?"

He stops dead, refusing to look me in the eyes.

"I... I just knew. You can shout at me when we get back to the castle, as long as you're safe I don't care"

"Alex, I can't go, we have to help them? Who are they?"

"It's the Resistance. They've been taking back villages all over the kingdom for months and now they're really close. They're heading straight for the castle and they won't stop until they are there."

Months? How did I not know about this? He's been lying to me for months? I thought we told each other everything.

I look up and see Alex clutching his chest
"Lola, I'm very sorry, but please calm down"

Calm down? How can I calm down right now after finding out the man I loved had been lying to me about a war that involved me? What if he hadn't got to me in time and I would have been defenceless and unprepared.

"Lola please, you're hurting me" he gasps as he starts to struggle for breath.

Although I've now pretty much mastered my power, when my emotions are heightened, especially when I am very angry, or feeling betrayed or alone, I always project and amplify my emotions onto those nearest me, something I cannot control.

I turn away and take 3 deep breaths, calming myself down. Alex gets his breath back and puts his hand on my shoulder.

"I'm so sorry I didn't tell you, father told me not to. We were just trying to protect you, you understand that right?"

And I did. So I hug him in return.

"I'm sorry too. But this is my village, I have to help and you know me so you should understand why I have to do this."

He just smiles and laughs.

"I do. How about we compromise. We can go back to the castle and suit up. Gather the weapons we need and take a force to crush them before they get any closer. How does that sound my love?"

That did sound better than going in alone.

So that is exactly what we did.

40 minutes later we have the village surrounded. The rebels think they have succeeded in taking the town but they do not sing and dance as I would imagine. Instead they stand around the dead family and the man who shot them.

"I'm sorry Samuel, but you killed 2 innocents. The guard is slightly forgivable but the mother and child? That is not what we are here to do. We are here to beat the Militia and reunite the kingdom against Gary, not kill those we have sworn to protect. You have given me no other choice.

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