The Game

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I wake up bright and early just as the sun rise breaks through the clouds and onto my face. I hear the birds singing and chirping outside my window and happy with the fact my best friends em and ash are coming round later. I spring out of bed and see the clock is just about turning 7:30 so I go straight to the front door and open it to find em standing there, she's never late.

"Hey big sis!"

"Hey little sis!" I reply. We're not actually sisters but we love each other so much it's basically the same thing. And even though she is older than me I am a lot taller making me the big more irresponsible sister and sometimes em swears I act more like a butterfly than a normal human! I'm not that crazy.... I don't think anyway..

"So you know what day it is today my special girly!??" She says bursting with excitement, probably more than me!

"It's my birthday!" I say feeling amazing.

"Sixteen! My little Lolo is growing up!" My actual name is Lola but she insists on calling me Lolo because she knows how much it annoys me, I'm used to it by now but if anyone else calls me that they are dead.

"I know right I can hardly believe it" I reply. She then takes out a neatly wrapped box from behind her and gently gives it to me

"Luv you loads lo happy birthday" I finally move out of the way of the door and we both rush upstairs banging and creaking every stair and floorboard in the house, I jump onto my bed and rip the wrapping straight off

"The Game" I say slowly pronouncing each syllable. I've heard of the game, most people had played it and gave it an excellent review - everybody loved it but I had never played it. I stared at the box full of excitement and another feeling I couldn't quite place .. But before I could do anything em had torn off the lid and was setting it all out on the floor her blue eyes shining with glee only just pausing a second to tuck her long brown hair out of the way behind her ear. It is a bit ridiculous to call each other sisters as we don't look alike at all - her being short, skinny, thick brown hair and blue eyes and generally beautiful where as me - tall skinny, blonde hair and pale blue eyes that em thinks are so pale they look a bit grey and generally not beautiful.

"Come on come on!" Em exclaims

"I really want to play this game and I waited until I could play it with you so hurry up!" She whines

"Okay okay calm down sis!' I plod myself opposite her on the fluffy cream carpet.

"Okay I will explain the game as we go along" but she talks so fast I don't understand any of it.

"Oh okay I get it" I say all though we both know I don't mean it

"Ugh" she sighs in frustration

"Just press the button in the middle!" I looked at the board and saw a bright red gleaming button but just as I'm about to press it the door bells rings.

"I'll get it" I say jumping up and going to the door bell to see my other best friend ash appear outside the door.

"Hi!" She chirps, "Happy Birthday!"

"Hehe thanks ash" I say as she gives me a gift, I think it's Oreos! she knows me well. we run upstairs as em gives us the dirtiest look ever and blocks our way.

"Come on!" She whines

"Okay okay!" we reply in unison and em barges into my room and as I sit down she grabs my hand and presses it in the button in the middle, it starts to flash and release smoke into the room.

"It's not supposed to do this?" em says in confusion, then everything goes dark and we hear a blood curdling scream as we all pass out.

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